22. "Diamonds"

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I looked out at the city as I had my arms crossed. It was relaxing that I was just able to sink into my own thoughts while admiring the street lights.

"Why is he texting you?" Tyler asked from the bed.

I turned around and walked over to. I snatched my phone from his hands, "don't start" I groaned as I looked down to see who he was talking about.

"He's saying he wants to talk to you, he said he misses you, are you not telling me something?" He asked angrily.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what do you expect me to do?! It's not my fault he misses me. I miss him too but-"

"What did you just say?" He asked as he hovered over me. 

"Tyler calm down" I said annoyed, "he's a friend" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Do not talk back" he said angrily.

"W-why..?" I asked quietly as I backed up a few steps.

"Why is he texting you that he misses you and all that bullshit?" He asked as his eyes turned dark.

I became afraid because I thought we were okay. I didn't know he could turn on me so quickly. I wouldn't usually be afraid of him but now that I'm kind of fond of him and it hurts to think that he's willing to hurt me.

"I-i.. we talked a couple night ago, and he probably took it the wrong way.. and thought I still had feelings for him but-"

"Are you stupid?" He asked loudly as he came closer to me, "first you saying that he's such a horrible person and he had a girlfriend while he was dating you and then you go straight back to him" he said as he hovered over me.

I backed into the wall behind me and tried to make myself as small as possible.

"I-its nothing Tyler, he's just a friend, you're my husband" I said.

He looked at me with such hatred in his eyes, "you're poisonous" he said, "completely toxic. Everywhere you go, everyone you meet, is destined to doom" he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I took this all in, "your mad, this is not you talking it's the anger" I said quietly as I looked away from him.

I let out a gasp as he slapped me across the face. I held onto my cheek as I watched him storm out of the room. I wiped away the small tear that rolled down my cheek.


I had my back towards the room door and I quietly cried to myself. I heard the door open and Tyler walked into the dark room.

I felt the other side of the bed sink. He ran a hand down my side as he let out a smalls sigh.

"Bailey?" He asked quietly.

I held in a small cry.

"I know your awake" he said as he turned on a lamp, "look at me" he said softly.

I wiped my eyes and turned around. I sat up in bed and stared at him.

"I'm sorry" he apologized, "I-I don't know what came over me" he said, "I love you" he said as he grabbed my hands.

I let out a small sniffle, "you scared me" I cried.

He pulled me into a hug as he rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry" he said as he held me in his arms.

"I-its okay" I cried as I held onto him. He's all I have right now.

"I brought you something" he said as he pulled away and reached into his pocket.

I smiled as I wiped my tears away and looked at the black soft box that he pulled out of his coat. He handed me the box with a small smile.

"Open it" he encouraged.

I let out a gasp as I opened the box, "y- for.. for me?" I asked shocked as I looked down at the glamorous diamond necklace.

"You deserve way more than this-"

"I love it" I interrupted as I took out the necklace and admired it, "how much was it? It must of cost a fortune" I said.

"It doesn't matter" he said as he kissed my head, "I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said as I kissed his lips.

I put the necklace back into the box. I set the box aside and looked back at Tyler.

"I'm going to go shower" he said, "I'll be back" he smiled as he kissed me on my cheek.

I laid back down and wrapped myself in the sheets.

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