47. "Tea Party"

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I woke up with a minor headache. I sat up as my eyes barley opened. I reached for my phone and turned it on.

"Oh my god!" I shouted as I bolted up from the floor. I heard Jc sit up in shock as he looked around, "Emie, is suppose to be in school!" I shouted as I ran to her room and opened the door, "Emie baby, get up, you're late" I said as I shook her awake and then ran to the living room.

I quickly pulled yoga pants from one of my boxes and took off my leggings from the day before.

"W-" jc began but quickly stopped as he saw me standing there in my underwear.

"Turn around" I said as I slipped on the yoga pants. I quickly ran past him towards the bathroom, "check my boxes I probably have an extra toothbrush!" I yelled form the bathroom, "Emie get your sleepy butt up!" I yelled.

"Found it!" Jc yelled back.

I let out a loud groan, "can you get the toothpaste-"

"Here" He said as he ran inside the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and set my toothbrush aside. I ran into Emie's room and picked a random outfits.

"Come on love get up" I said as I forcefully made her sleeping body stand up.

"Mom I'm tired" she said sleepily.

"I am too but we still have to go on" I said as I dressed her quickly, "jc get the car started!" I yelled as I heard his footsteps run to the living Room and out the door, "go brush your teeth" I said as I grabbed her backpack from the living room and picked up a few things.

After a few minutes I heard her turn off the water. She walked out with a tired expression on her face.

"We have to go" I said as I began to pull her arm.

"What about breakfast?" She asked.

"I might have bread in the car" I said as I shrugged my shoulders, "you're so late" I said as I pushed her out the door.

I held her hand as I dragged her to the elevator and out of the building.

"Hurry up!" Jc shouted from the car.

I began to jog towards the backseat. I got in the back and closed the door. I tied Emie in her car seat as Jc began to drive.

"Jc you slept over" Emie said with a smile, "I wanted to have a sleepover too"

"No sweetheart, it wasn't a sleepover.. he fell asleep before he could leave" I tried to explain.

"But you slept with him" she said.

I widened my eyes as I looked at Jc through the mirror. I know she didn't mean to say it in a inappropriate way but it felt like she did.

"Yes it was a sleepover.. next time we can all have a sleepover" Jc said with a wide smile.


It was the afternoon now and Emie was back from school, Jc was at his house doing whatever he does and I was moving furniture.

Emie's room was finished and it was beautiful. I added a few person details and I think it's kind of the best thing I've ever made in my whole life. She seems to love it and I do too.

My room just had the bed set up. At least if I don't finish my room I'll be able to sleep on a comfy bed instead of the floor. I walked back to the living room and pushed the couch that I recently bought against the wall. I bought a lot of pillow and a few blankets for the living room. I bought a pretty long grey rug and slid it under the couch and then pulled it a bit forward. I dragged a small coffee table and set it right on top of the rug.

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