45. "Kendall Jenner Moment"

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I said my goodbyes to Luca after my first session was over and picked up my things.

"I'll see you soon" he smiled.

I smiled back as Emie and I waved at him. I walked out the room and spotted Neal talking on the phone. He's been on the phone all this time?

"Thank you so much for the opportunity, I'll keep in touch" he said as he hanged up. He turned to look at me with wide eyes, "I did it" he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused and frightened, "did what?" I asked.

"Okay well, I thought they wouldn't hire you for the job because we never took headshots of you and I just randomly applied for you to model with Calvin Klein. I thought I would just give it a try, that was a while ago, now they called back and said they want you to do a mini shoot wearing their clothes" he said with a bright smile.

I smiled widely as I dropped my stuff and held onto Neal's hands and jumped around like little kids.

"Oh my god that's amazing!" I yelled, "when is it?!" I asked.

"Tomorrow! First things first, be at my office by eight, make your way to my office and we'll go together" he said as he stopped jumping and fixed his suit.

I smiled as I fixed my hair and picked my things up from the floor.

"Wait.. I'm not a model. I don't even know how to pose? What are they going to make me wear?" I asked concerned.

"Don't worry, they don't know that" he said, "besides you'll do great" he assured.

"I better get home if I want to get a goodnight sleep" I said as I grabbed Emie's hand.

"You go ahead and do that" he said, "remember, bright and early tomorrow" he said as he walked into the room that Luca was in.

"Mom, what's modeling?" Emie asked as we walked into the elevator.

"It's when someone poses so they can have their picture taken" I said trying to explain in the most basic way possible.

She nodded her head understanding, "and you're going to do that?" She asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes I am" I said with a little of confidence.

"Can I go with you?" She asked.

"Emie, you have school to attend" I said.

"Please" she begged.

"You would have to be dying for me to let you miss school" I said with a low chuckle.

She sighed in response as we walked out the elevator. I was trying to hide my excitement but I couldn't help it. I knew I was going to call Nina, Cristy, Alice, my parents. Everyone!


I woke up the next morning and Nina agreed to take Emie to school. I was a little shy to ask Jc, after what happened yesterday, I'm scared to do anything at all. I wore a loose sweater and black leggings, a very lazy look.

As I was driving through Hollywood my phone started ringing. I looked up and noticed the red light was still on. I awnsered the phone and placed it between my thighs while it was on speaker.

"Hello?" I asked as I fixed my sunglasses.

"Bailey" I heard tyler's voice mumble.

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