13. "Birthday Candles"

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Emie blew the candles from her cake and we all clapped in excitement.

"Yay" I smiled as she sat on my lap, "bite into it" I said.

She leaned in and bit a small piece of the cake.
We clapped again and giggled at the frosting that was all over her tiny nose.

The cake was huge, I didn't know so many people would come but thankfully we bought a big enough cake.

Kian stared cutting slices from the cake and handing them out.

"We have to talk later" I whispered to Cristy.

"About?" She asked.

I looked at Emie and then back at Cristy. She nodded her head understanding what I was refferingn to.

"Sorry I'm late" Lia smiled as she walked over to me and immediately went in for a hug. It caught me by surprise but I hugged back, "but here you go princess" she smiled as she handed Emie a gift.

"What do you say?" I asked as I nudged her side.

"Thank you" she smiled as she hugged her, "want to play games?" Emie asked.

"Of course, will you show me how to play?" Lia asked.

Emie nodded her head as she jumped off my lap, "I'll put this on the table" I said as I grabbed Emie's present.

They both walked away to the backyard where the party continued. Cristy and I just sat at the table looking around.

I've never really been a party person. I rather be by myself. Yeah I've been to maybe one or two parties in high school but that was only because Cristy and Alice dragged me to it. I was that kids that would rather stay in their room and read ahead of my textbooks for the lesson that was months away, or look through my microscope at different things while eating my small apple slices.

"It's getting way too stuffy in here" Cristy said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front yard.

Kian, Alice, Bobby, Corey, Harrison, Anne Marie, and Jc were outside playing with a soccer ball and by the looks of it Alice was tearing them up. My girl has some serious moves.

Booby always had his camera, dedication.

"Bailey come play" Alice said as she pushed her sun glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"No im good" I said as I waved my hand, "I don't do good with sports that involve Kian" I said.

"Remember when we were at the c-" he stopped himself from saying anything else.

"Oh come on" Alice said quickly to cover Kian's mistake.

"I'm not as good as you" I said.

"Can you run?" Bobby asked.

"Yes" I smiled.

"Can you kick a ball?" He asked.

"I think so"

"Then you're pretty much set" he chuckled.

Cristy gave me a little push towards them.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Someone has to keep score" she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

I walked over to Kian shyly and stood next to him. They didn't even have teams, what score is there to keep? They literally just fought for the ball and kicked it, what is this?

I kicked the ball as hard as it could and it accidentally hit Alice on the back.

"I'm sorry" I apologized as I put my hands over my mouth in shock.

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