39. "Wildest Dreams"

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It's been a few days since the 'breakdown' I guess you can say. A few things have happened. I found three apartments and so far I've checked out two of them. Long story short they didn't let me rent them because I was nineteen years old, with a child, and they thought that my credit wasn't good enough for them. My only hope now was the third apartment.

Honestly it was my last option but now I'm hoping I get approved. It had a fireplace, that's kind of what made me put it on the list, but then that means higher insurance. In the pictures the apartment walls looked worn down, just imagine when I actually go see it. There was only two rooms which is completely fine but they looked really small.

I shouldn't even be complaining because I need to find my own place, even if it's temporary. If I get approved, I can paint the walls and design my perfect cozy home.

I'm nervous. Really nervous actually. I could feel my heart in my stomach and my thighs shaking. I'm afraid to take a step forward because I might fall. I feel a lump in my throat, I think I'm going to throw up.

I'm standing behind stage with a beautiful short white dress about to perform for the very first time ever in a huge crowd of people, a song that was meant to never be heard because it was dedicated to the love of my life on our wedding day!

No one was ever meant to hear thing song. It was my secret song but I made the stupid mistake to listen to my mother and record it just so my manager can hear it. Turns out Neal loved it! Now I'm here at a party his father is hosting, a really fancy party I might add, just so I can mess up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jc asked as he snuck back stage.

I looked up at him with wide eyes, "I-I.. I don't think I should be singing this song" I said as I rubbed my sweaty palms on my dress.

"Yes you can" he said as he grabbed my shoulders, "you have a fucking beautiful voice and you're amazing, you got this" he said.

This song is about us Jc. It's about our 'wedding day' that's why I can't sing it!

"I think this was a mistake" I said as I took in a deep breath.

"No, you're just nervous" he said.

"I have never performed in front of this many people" I said, "the people here look glamorous as hell, and I'm over here sweating through the dress" I said as I tried to control my heavy breathing.

"They don't know that, go out there and sing your fucking lungs out. You're going to do fucking phenomenal" he said as he smiled.

"You can't be back here" Neal said as he appeared through a few curtains, "Bailey you have ten seconds" he said as he walked over to me.

"Good luck" jc said as he smiled and walked away.

I smiled as he left and turned my attention to Neal.

"I need to change the song-"

"No freaking way" he said as he shook his head side to side, "Go" he said as he gave me a small push. Oh god I really feel like I'm going to throw up.

I don't think this party was a good idea. It wasn't even the kind of party anyone would expect. It was for older people in their mid 40's going to early 50's. They drank champagne and had waiters going around offering small appetizers.

I grabbed my microphone and my hands couldn't stop shaking. I made my way out the door and towards the stairs that led up the stage. I could hear Neal talking I just couldn't focus on his specific words until I heard my name.

"May I welcome to the stage, Bailey Phoenix" he said as people began to clap lightly.

I slowly walked up the stairs and looked at the crowd with a nervous smile. I gripped the microphone so tight that I actually thought I would break it.

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