57. "Lonely Nights"

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I arrived back to LA at night. Everyone knew I was coming back but I only wanted Kian to pick me up.

I got out of the airport with my suitcase and I looked around for Kian.

"Bailey." He said quietly as he approached me from the side. I smiled slightly as I looked at him for a quick second before hugging him tightly. He hugged back and I laid my head on his shoulder. God, I missed his warm touch. I pulled away and he took my luggage from my grasp. He led me to his car and set everything in the trunk, "do you want to eat anything, we can stop by somewhere-"

"No, It's really late. I just want to go home." I said quietly as I tied my seatbelt and looked down at my hands.

He nodded his head understanding, "Okay." He smiled.

He drove me back to my apartment that I left behind for a couple of months. I pulled out the keys from my pocket and got out of the car. Kian helped me take my suitcase up to my apartment. I opened the door and once I stepped in I got shivers down my spine.

It smelled different. It didn't smell like home, the rose scented candles were burned out and my beautiful plants that sat on the window sill were dead.

"This doesn't look right." I mumbled to myself as Kian set my suitcase aside.

"I came over and I cleaned the place a bit... well some parts." He said as he set a hand on my back.

I flinched and pulled away from his touch. I walked to my room and hesitated to open the door. After a few seconds I pushed it open and turned on the lights. New sheets covered the bed.

"I bought new sheets for you." Kian said quietly as he walked into the room, "if you want I can spend the night and we can watch movies." He suggested.

I swallowed he lump in my throat as I kept staring at my bed, "no it's fine. I'll manage on my own." I said as I walked over to the bed and ran my hand down the silky sheets, "I like them." I said as I walked out and into Emie's room.

The room was clean, toys were where they should be, her bed was neatly done, her closet was closed, it was perfect.

"Want me to make tea?" He asked.

I shook my head slightly, "Kian don't worry about me." I said, "you should go home, get some rest." I smiled as I hugged him.

He kissed the top of my head before walking away. I waited until I heard the door close when I let out a sigh.

I walked back to the living room and looked around. Everything was spotless. Expect for the burned candles and dead plants.

I decided to go straight to bed. I didn't change, I didn't brush my teeth, or hair, I just slipped under the sheets and looked up at the ceiling.

It felt like it's only been a few seconds but I looked at the clock that sat across the room and it read 2:56am. I laid there in desbelief at how quickly the time seemed to pass by. I jumped at everything that moved in the dark and became paralyzed with fear.

I sat up in bed and and gripped my sheets tightly as I reached over to grab my phone. I unlocked it and began to call someone who might be bothered.

"Hello?" His morning voice asked as I heard him shuffle around.

"I-I... can you come over? I can't sleep and I'm s-scared." I mumbled as I looked around my dark room.

"Yes of course, I'll be there in a bit. See you soon." He said before he hanged up.

I set my phone aside and laid back down as my eyes remained wide open, observing every single little dark figure in the room and over thinking every noise that was heard.

I waited for what felt like forever until I heard my front door open and heavy steps make their way to my bedroom. I gripped my sheets tightly as I held in my breath. My door opened and the lights turned on.

"You scared me." I said a I let out a heavy breath.

"Forgot to tell you... I made a spare key for myself." He chuckled.

I smiled as I opened the sheets for him and pat the spot next to me. He turned off the lights and walked over to the bed. He kicked off his shoes and climbed in.

He made himself comfortable before he pulled the sheets over us. I snuggled close to his body and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and let out a heavy sigh.

"Kian?" I asked.

"Mm?" He hummed as he caressed my shoulder softly.

"I don't know how I'm going to wake up tomorrow and face the day like nothing happened." I said as I took in a small breath.

"You can't." He said, "you can't wake up knowing that something fucked up happened to you and act like it's just a normal day, you simply can't. You wake up and you're not sad, mad, depressed, or even teary, you wake up strong and ready to face the day." He said.

I licked my lips, "How? I don't even think I can fake another smile."

"I didn't say it was going to be easy, I just said you have to be strong. You have so much to fight for. I know what happened to you was fucked but he's where he belongs and you're here, now you have to go after Emie, go after your music career, go after an amazing life." He said.

I felt my eyes water, "I feel so alone and sometimes I just think that's it... it's not worth trying anymore because something bigger and worse waits for me at some time along my life, a-and I don't think I can't handle another catastrophe." I said as my voice cracked and I placed my hand over my face.

"You can't think like that Bailey, I know what happened was really fucking shitty and I can't say that enough but you're right something worse will happen at some point in your future so for right now pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try to face another day. You're young and beautiful and such a great person, make the most of it. You're fucking amazing and I can't tell you that enough." He said slowly as he pulled my hand away from my face.

"It's not as easy as it sounds to dust it away but I'm going to try. I'm going to go to those therapist sessions and I'm going to talk about everything... and then I'll slowly start getting back to normal."

I wish I had kept my word.

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