58. "Bodyguards"

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I didn't speak, move, or blinked. I just stared at the stranger that sat a few feet in front of me. Her dark brown hair was straight and reached just above her broad shoulders. Her green eyes looked gentle and genuinely kind as her writing pad frightened me a bit and the way she held her pen made me shift in my seat uncomfortably. Her suit was neatly starched and her heels were fresh out of the box. Her eyebrows were full and neatly threaded, and her nose wasn't too big or too small, her cheekbones high and flawless along with her shark jawline.

Why is she a therapist when she could of been a model?

"Bailey? Try to answer the question." She said kindly as she caught my attention.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what was the question?" I asked.

"How are you?" She repeated.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm fine." I said as I looked away from her gaze.

"How about we start simple, who's the biggest inspiration in your life?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders once again, "I don't know."

"Everyone has an inspiration." She said, "is it mom? Dad? Boyfriend? Siblings?" She asked.

"Not Mom for sure, not dad, I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm an only child." I said as I let out a small sigh.

"Why did you say not mom for sure?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

She nodded her head, "I notice you're very tense, especially on your shoulders and back. Lay down and close your eyes." She said. I sighed as I did as she told me to and set my hands on top of my belly, "now... How have things been since Tyler?" She asked.

I opened my eyes annoyed at the question and looked at the brown ceiling, "Fine." I said sternly.

"You're here to talk to me and try to express yourself to me by talking." She said as she fixed her posture, "I would like you to start opening up."

I sat back up and blinked a few times, "I didn't want this, my friends and family 'encouraged' me but really didn't because they were going to make me come anyway, they think it'll be good for me, but I don't. No offense Dr. Sawyer I bet you're known very well in your profession, but I don't want to be here, I don't want to express my feelings, I don't want to talk about it, I just want to go home and forget about all of this." I said as I picked up my purse and walked out of the session room.

I heard her door open again but I was long gone before she could even call out my name and drag me back into that room.

Once I was outside I looked around confused. Okay well I ran out and Kian dropped me off so I have no car. I don't even know where I am.

I sighed as I simply began walking down the sidewalk. I felt a bit paranoid so once a black SUV pulled up beside me I immediately felt my heart pounding against my chest.

Two extremely big men got out of the car and walked over to me.

"Bailey Marie Phoenix?" One of them asked.

They were dressed the same but each had their own distinguished features. They both wore black suits and black sunglasses.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked at them back and forth.

"We're here to escort you where ever you'd like." The other one said.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around, "um... I-I don't think so." I said as I kept walking. They blocked me from taking another step forward, "get out of my way." I said as I put my hands up.

"We were sent by Mr. Phoenix, and his orders were very specific, to be your bodyguards."

I let out a sigh as I understood everything now. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a step away from them as I called my father.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" He asked.

"You got me bodyguards? I don't need them." I said.

I could hear the sigh from the other line, "listen, it's only temporary and it's for your safety. I don't know how the whole story got so big and I've been informed that reporters are flying out to LA just to talk to you, you have to be careful." He said.

"Dad, I don't need protection." I said as I rubbed my face.

"Please, just do it for me." He pleaded.

I closed my eyes for a second before nodding my head even though he couldn't see, "Okay Fine." I huffed.

"How's your therapist? What's her name again?" He asked.

"Dr. Vivian Sawyer and um... it's going good." I said quietly, "I'll call you later, love you." I said before hanging up and shoving my phone back in my pocket.

I walked to the car and got in before closing the door. The two enormous bodyguards got in.

"Where are we off to now Ms. Phoenix?" One of them asked.

"It's Bailey." I said, "and home, I'm sure father gave you the address already." I sighed as I looked out the window, "how does this even work?" I asked, "do you guys just drop me off and then leave?"

"No ma'am, we watch over you every hour of everyday." The other one asked.

"You can't be serious, even nigh?"


"How do you guys sleep or eat?"

"We each take a shift, and everywhere you want to go we drive you and go along with you."

"Am I just going to call you guys one and two or do you guys have names?" I asked.

"I'm Frank and this is Jack."

"Nice to meet you guys... actually there's somewhere to stop by before home."

Being back doesn't feel warm at all.

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