43. "Can You Hear The Dark Waves?"

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I picked up my daughter and dropped her off at Jc's house with Kian because Jc and I had to go leave a few more boxes that we forgot to take to the apartment.

I unlocked the door and set the box gently on top of another one.

"Hello?" I called out as I walked towards the rooms. I thought maybe the carpenters were still here, "oh wow" I smiled as I looked at Emie's room that was beautifully painted.

I walked back to the entrance and also noticed that it was painted.

"They did that so fucking fast" Jc  chuckled as he looked around.

"They're not here anymore. Look at Emie's room" I said as I walked into mine. I smiled as I looked at my new walls. They used to be so worn out that you could see the brown wood but now they're completely fixed with a layer of a cream color paint.

"I like the color of Emie's" jc said as he walked into my room.

I walked back and almost tripped over the bucket of paint. Jc and I both laughed and then I took a few steps back. Jc walked over to the bucket and picked up the brush.

"Be careful with that!" I shouted as he began to walk closer to me.

"I'm not going to paint you. They just forgot a spot" he said as he walked past me and gently painted over a small spot. He then pulled back and brushed against me with the paint brush, "whoops" he chuckled.

I gasped as I looked at my wet shoulder, "You did that on purpose" I said. I quickly tried taking the brush but he's much stronger than me and I didn't stand a chance. We fought for the brush as our hands got stained with the paint.

"Look what you did" I said as I pushed him a few feet away from me.

"Me?!" He asked shocked, "you just attacked me!" He said as he showed off his perfect smile.

"You started it" I giggled as I covered my mouth with my hand.

We both just stood back looking at each other while laughing our butts off. Jc just looked at me with soft eyes. I knew I looked silly with the paint on my face.

"You're so beautiful" he smiled as he looked at me.

I let out a sigh as I kept on smiling. I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear as I stared at him. I was in a trance. He just stared at me and I couldn't look away, I couldn't even speak. I was afraid that I would say something that would damage my relationship with Tyler. But I did, I spoke.

"I'm beautiful?" I asked.

"And gorgeous, and stunning, and glamorous, and ravishing" he listed.

Please Jc. Let the space between us fade away with our bodies pressed together. Let the butterflies in my stomach fly free in the wind. Intertwine your fingers with mine like the vines that rest on a tree. Let your lips devour me. Just get a little closer Jc.

I want to get lost in his pure eyes. His eyes tell me a thousand stories. His facial expression is sensitive and weak. I want to explore his mind and get a better understanding of this situation. He has me locked in as we're a few feet away from each other. I can already feel his soft touch on my virgin skin.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked softly.

I blinked slowly as I looked at him while bitting the inside of my lip, "Exploring your mind. Your soft touch. The sensation of your body pressed against mine" I whispered. I'm going insane with just his glare. An expressionless face with chocolate eyes.

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