What's Your Problem

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Jacob’s POV I didn’t mean to upset anyone when I left out the livingroom yesterday I just needed time to think. Oh God please don’t have this happen to me and my family I am starting. I pray to God that nothing happens because yesterday what Tamie said…could be true. A few night’s ago when I was in my room around when Tamie had her little nightmare I had a little vision. I couldn’t describe it but I know that I seen a male boy with a fimilar laugh. When Tamie said that she think that Dajon in alive I just couldn’t think that. Just anything but that. Your probably asking why i’m so worried. It’s because that day when I paralyzed him and left him to die. There is no telling what could have happened after me and Tamie left. Something could have came to him and…and…i’m sorry I just can’t say it. It’s to overwhelming I need some help. I walked to Craig’s room and knocked on his door.

Craig-(Opened the door.) What’s up dude.

Jacob-(I walked in almost knocking him over.) I need you.

Craig-(Get his balance.) Boy who is you coming in my room almost knocking me over then ask for help?

Jacob-Don’t go ghetto on me dude but it’s a little favor.


Jacob-Why so cranky?

Craig-Ugh! Whatever just tell me what you need so I can get it for you.

Jacob-Since I can’t be there for her I need you to watch over her.

Craig-Who Tamie? No no no!


Craig-She is pregnant and an angel! Do you know all the different things she can do to me! What if I eat her food again! She is going to kill me next time!

Jacob-Then don’t eat her food.

Craig-Just ask Randy or Trey.

Jacob-I can’t Trey is always with Alana and Randy doesn’t want to be bothered. Pricila needs a break from Tamie.

Craig-I hate you from making me do this!

Jacob-You is making this harder then what it seems she is a really sweet person. Plus I know your not going to try anything.

Craig-When do I start?

Jacob-You start now and the things you have to do is be there for her every step of the way like I would be…but can’t.

Craig-If something happens to me I will blame it on you untill you die! (Walks out the room to Tamie’s.)

Craig’s POV OH MY GOSH!!! Whey do I have to watch her? I am sure it can’t be bad because it shouldn’t be. I walked over to her room and took a deep breath.

Craig-(I opened the door and started to walk in.) Hey Tamie I…(I stopped talking.)


Craig-(I closed the door really fast. Great the first five seconds on my job she already want’s to kill me. Ugh! I should have knock.)

Tamie-(Opened the door in her pj’s.) What?

Craig-Umm..Sorry from you know umm…(Dang I can’t think straight.)

Tamie-Craig just look past that ok…look past that.

Craig-Yea I am going to be keeping you company. (I tried to play it off with a smile.)


Craig-Because you know you look a little lonley with out Jacob. And…I just want to spend time with you. (I hope thta didn’t sound like I like her.)

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