|Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Propositions and Epiphanies|

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I'm floating above a dark graveyard; my body is now non-existent and instead took on a ghost like appeal. Suddenly Harry and Cedric are transported into this dark and dismal place, the tri-wizard cup goes flying from their hands.

"It's a portkey. Harry the cup is a portkey." I hear Cedric say in amazement as he gazes at the cup, his jaw slack in amazement.

"I've been here before in a dream. Cedric, we have to get back to the cup. Now!" Harry commands, panic running through me as I can only watch helplessly as the scene unfolds before me.

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asks confused as to why Harry is acting this way. However he doesn't get an answer as Harry doubles over in pain clutching his forehead. "What is it?" Cedric, now concerned, asks as another figure approaches the pair, clutching something in his arms.

"Get back to the cup!" Harry demands, now on his knees the pain getting too unbearable for him. However, Cedric didn't listen.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric demanded, pointing his wand and the now fast approaching figure.

"Kill the spare." A voice hissed from a bundle of black material the figure was carrying. Following the orders of the faceless object. The figure raises a wand and wordlessly casts a spell at Cedric. The jet of green hits him square on the chest, which sends him flying backwards.

"Cedric!" Harry cries as the older boy lays lifeless on the ground, dead.

When I woke up, the dark green vines were wrapping themselves around my arms and legs... strapping me to the ground.

"When your name came up the Dark Lord thought that because you were a girl, a mudblood no less, you would be easily beat, disposed of. Unfortunately you kept on coming in first, showing great skills and determination. We could use someone like you on our side." Poliakoff said, twisting his wand around in his hand, cuts scarred his face whilst dirt lined his red shirt.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I struggled against the vines. He smirked down at me as I continued to be wrapped up in the mazes thick web.

"What I mean is that even though you're a mudblood, the Dark Lord – Voldemort – has seen great potential in you and would like to offer you a position in his ranks which he plans on reassembling very shortly." Poliakoff said, grinning evilly at me.

"He's dead." I spat at the evil boy, who could be no older than eighteen.

"That's what you think. But if you don't join his ranks, what am I meant to do with you? We couldn't possibly have you running around helping the other side. That would be too much trouble for us. And you see you're such a pretty girl and the other option you have is death... I would hate to see such a beautiful face wasted." He said, kneeling down and clutching my jaw in his hand.

"Get your hand off of me." I growled out, clenching my jaw in disgust.

"Such a pity." He said, standing up and pointing his wand at me. I watched in horror as he opened his mouth to say the killing curse, but he froze to the spot and fell to the ground. And there standing behind him was Nanette, her wand pointing in the place where he once stood. She nodded at me in acknowledgement before she sent a flare of red sparks up into the air before everything went black again.

"The dark lord shall rise again." A voice said, reminding me of what Poliakoff said.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The next time I opened my eyes I was back outside the entrance of the maze, Fred and George's worried faces hovering above me. When they saw my eyes now open they relaxed slightly before helping me sit upright.

"What happened in the maze? What did you see?" Professor McGonagall asked, beckoning Dumbledore over to me.

"Poliakoff, he uh stunned me and I had a vision... It was in a graveyard; Harry and Cedric arrived through the cup, which turned out to be a portkey. And then a figure appeared and then... oh god Cedric! He killed Cedric!" I wailed as I remembered the dream/vision.

"What happened then?" Dumbledore demanded.

"I was back in the maze and Poliakoff was talking to me, he was talking about how the dark lord will rise again and he was offering me a position alongside him because I have apparently shown a lot of skills and determination in this tournament. I told him no, and he was going to kill me. He would have done too if Nanette hadn't stunned him before she sent up the red flare for you to come and find me. The last thing I remember is a voice saying that the dark lord will rise again." I said, turning my body into George's warm arms, making me feel safe and protected.

"This is bad." Dumbledore said as he looked out to the maze. I looked around to see who had already been out of the maze. I saw Fleur sat on a chair, surrounded by girls who were cleaning up her cuts and fussing around her hair. I saw Victor sat off on his own, looking around dazed at everyone.

"Come on Ari, let's get those scratches seen to." George whispered into my ear as he held me close to him.

"Hmm?" I asked, completely out of it. Never mind my complete lack of attention, George picked me up – bridal style – and carried me over to Madame Pomfrey. Whilst I sat there getting my cuts cleaned so that they wouldn't become infected another champion from within the maze appeared at the mouth of the entrance. Poliakoff. The boy quickly came around and didn't waste any time in getting to his feet. George took one look at him before storming over to him, red with anger.

"How dare you try to kill my girlfriend!" George yelled before he drew back his fist and punched him square in the jaw with enough force to know him back into unconsciousness.

"Mr Weasley, I understand that you are very unhappy with this situation... but you could have at least let us arrest him before you punched him." Professor Dumbledore said, diffusing the tense atmosphere that seemed to linger around us.

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