|Chapter Nineteen ~ Slime does have A Heart|

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The library was now deserted, which wasn't really anything new. The only people that were in here more than I was were the Ravenclaws and of course Hermione... yet I was still the only one sat in here. Even the librarian wasn't in here, which was strange.

"Where is everyone?" I muttered to myself before I pulled the sleeve of my long sleeved top up to examine my watch, gasping in horror when I did. I had been in the library for over three hours and it was already five minutes into lunch. Quickly I packed away all of my equipment and rushed down to the great hall.

Running into the hall the first people I spotted were the Weasleys, well Ron, Ginny and Fred anyway... George was nowhere to be seen. Sitting down in the seat next to Fred I joined them in eating lunch. "Hey guys... Where's George?" I asked, as there seemed to be no sign of him.

"You just missed him Ari, he said he didn't have long otherwise Snape would have gone berserk." Fred said, shrugging as he reached out to get another handful of crisps.

"I think he was hoping to catch you. He kept on saying that he was sure that he could wait five more minutes, longing glances were thrown at the door. " Ginny said, smiling sadly at me.

"Oh... well I'm sure I'll see him at dinner." I said smiling at the ginger trio. It felt weird not sitting with George... In fact, now that I think about it, it never felt right when I wasn't with him. Man I've got it bad!

The rest of the day I spent with Lee and Fred. It wasn't the same as it usually was when there were all four of us. For my group of 'friends' (they seemed more like brothers to me) we were relatively calm and well good as we roamed the corridors. Well that was till we bumped into someone.

"Look what we have here boys!" Farren said as he pushed himself off of the wall he was leant against.

"Oh it's you again... Yay!" I said sarcastically underneath my breath.

"One Weasel, a kiss up and a mudblood." He said to his 'gang'. But only Than laughed whilst Crevan looked absolutely murderous at Farren. "What's wrong with you Donovan?" Farren asked as he noticed the look on Crevan's face. "The mudblood stench getting to ya?" He sneered as he threw a hateful glare at me. I knew that tears had started to well up in my eyes as his glare was joined with his famous smirk.

"No. Farren." Crevan spat out at his friend through clenched teeth.

"Well what is it then? Is it the Weasel's brightly coloured fur?" He asked, looking towards the top of Fred's head where I knew the red locks were on the receiving end of that hateful glare.

"No you're my problem Farren! Why must you pick on people?" Crevan asked, exploding in anger.

"Because it's fun... Or have you forgotten that?" Farren asked angrily, now turning on one of his very few friends.

"If this is your idea of fun then you are seriously twisted." Crevan growled and stomped his way over to me. "Come on Ari, I know something that will make you feel better." He said smiling at me. All traces of anger disappearing.

"I don't know Crevan..." I started to say before a very angry Fred cut me off.

"She's not going anywhere with you Donovan." He all but growled at my childhood best friend.

"You wanna bet Weasley?" Crevan asked sarcastically before he grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him and I followed. We walked through the deserted corridors in silence for a few turns before I decided to break the somewhat awkwardness.

"Crevan... why did you do that?" I asked softly.

"I know I haven't shown it very much over the years Ari, but your still my best friend and I still care about you and I know that I'm probably a slime ball to you, but I saw how much he hurt you this time with that... that name and well I could no longer take it. I hate it when he calls you that!" He admitted angrily.

"If you hate it then how come you never did anything about it till now?" I asked angrily. I can't believe he actually tried feeding me that excuse.

"Ari, could we please talk about this later tonight and somewhere where we won't be overheard?" he asked hopefully.

"I don't know..." I started but then trailed off.

"Please Ari... I-I need to tell you this. And you need to hear it." He said desperately.

"Fine where and when?" I asked, despite my better judgment.

"The black lake and at midnight. And, please Ari, try not to be late." He said, flashing me one of his very rare smiles.

"Pl-ea-se... I'm never late." I said returning his smile.

"Ari... I know you, remember? You've never been good at time keeping. You can't fool me. I know you." Crevan said softly as he took a step closer to me and pressing his lips in a kiss to my forehead. "So tonight then?" He reminded.

"Yep twelve o'clock, I won't be late!" I exclaimed happily, Crevan just kissed me on my forehead, something he hadn't done since we came to Hogwarts.

"Until then, then." He said smiling before he disappeared down a corridor.

"Until then." I said to myself as I watched him stride away. His loud boots echoing down the empty hallways gradually got softer as he got further and further away until they finally disappeared, yet I stood there still. And that's how George found me, looking down an empty corridor.

"Ariella? Are you alright honey?" George asked as he came to stand in front of me, I snapped my eyes to his.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I said smiling.

"Are you sure? Fred told me what happened with Richards, Remington and Donovan and that Donovan demanded to speak to you..." George trailed off, not quite knowing what to say.

"Georgie, I'm fine." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him to me in a hug.

"Good... What did Donovan want?" He asked curiously as he took my hand and started leading me towards the Great Hall. Should I tell him? Would he get mad? But he's my boyfriend he has the right to know? I was having an internal battle with myself.

"Nothing, he just wanted me to tutor him in potions, he's failing." I lied. The one thing about being good friends with Fred and George, you learn to lie very well since you needed it to get you out of trouble. I looked up at him and saw his panicked expression. "I, of course, said no." I said to him, I watched as a smile slipped onto his face.

"Good... He's a slime ball anyway." He said and I laughed since that's exactly what Crevan called himself.

The Weasley Mayhem {A Weasley Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now