|Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The Killing Curse|

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"Are you ready for the next task?" Ginny asked that evening as we lay in bed, Hermione had seemed to have gone awoll.

"God knows, but I've survived this far right?" I said, finishing my letter to Nymph before handing it to Janah to give her.

"That's an understatement. Who would have thought that by the end of this year you would have gone from the star chaser of the Gryffindor quidditch team to dating my brother, to battling a dragon, to transforming yourself into a mermaid and could now be crowned the Tri-Wizard champion!" Ginny said excitedly.

"Woah, don't get ahead of yourself Gin." I said laughing, before I settled down to sleep.

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Some point during the night I started dreaming.

I was walking around a dark house, it could possibly be the burrow, and the floorboards creaking with every step I take. The wind blowing through the house sounded like whispers that haunted the empty house. Suddenly a hand clasps around my mouth and pulls me backwards into a closet. Then I hear a very familiar voice.

"Shh! They'll find us! You have to keep quiet Ari." Fred whispers, removing his hand from my mouth. I look around the small and enclosed closet to find Fred, George, Molly and Arthur standing there. Molly's arm was bleeding, George had a black eye and a bloody nose, and Arthur had a busted lip whilst Fred looked, seemingly unharmed.

"What's going on?" I ask in a low whisper, my breathing sounding incredibly loud in the small space.

"Death eaters." Arthur says quietly as he points out a crack in the door as a person walks past clad in dark robes and a silver skeleton mask.

"We can't get caught." Molly breathes. Suddenly the door breaks open and the death eaters shine their brightly lit wands into the room, illuminating all of our faces.

"We got ourselves a pretty one." One death eater said to the other, his beady eyes focusing one me. "Out!" He demanded. Sullenly we all exited our hiding place to see six other death eaters there. "Grab um." The death eater commanded whilst he grabbed me by my hair causing me to yelp out in pain, tears springing to my eyes. I watched as the other death eaters clutched onto the Weasley family.

"Let her go!" Fred yelled angrily, whilst George just growled at the death eater clutching me.

"Ahh, I see you have some admirers. But which one do you care about the most? Twin one?" He asked pointing to Fred. "Or twin two?" He asked pointing to George. "Ah she's not saying, well then... Crucio!" He yelled pointing his wand at Fred, I watched as the red jet of the unforgivable curse hit my best friend. I whimpered in his torture.

"Freddie!" I heard Molly yell in despair as she watched her son being tortured.

"Not quite the reaction I wanted princess." The death eater holding my hair growled he tugged on my hair making me lift my head up so that I was now looking at Fred's crumpled body. "Lets try twin number two then shall we... Crucio!" He yelled, moving on to torture my George.

"George!" I yelled as he screamed a blood-curdling scream. "Stop it!" I yelled, trying to pull away from the death eater to go to George. In hindsight that was a stupid way for me to act.

"Oh how delightful. This one and twin two are in love!" The death eater mocked, causing all of his 'friends' to laugh at me. "And you know what our Lord teaches us sweetheart?" He asked mockingly.

"Of course she doesn't McNair, she's a filthy little mud blood." Another death eater said, addressing the one that was still gripping my hair tightly in his fist.

"Than I shall enlighten her. He teaches us that love is a weakness and that we should exterminate all of our weaknesses. So, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to exterminate your weakness." He said smiling evilly at me; he pulled my head up to look at George.

"Please... no, don't I'll do anything. Don't hurt him!" I pleaded, hoping to save the one thing that truly mattered to me.

"Avada Kedavra!" He sneered, as a bright green jet shot out of his wand.

I woke up with a start, soaked in sweat and tears rolling down my face. Hermione and Ginny hovering over me trying to calm me down.

"Shh! Ari it was only a dream." Ginny cooed as she rubbed my freezing cold arms.

"I tried everything I could to wake you up, but nothing worked." Hermione said, nodding her head to the pail that would have been full of water and a clacker from the first task.

"Is there anything you need?" Ginny asked.

"I really need George." I said before breaking into tears.

"I'll go get George, Hermione get her dry." Ginny said before she ran out of our room. Hermione stood next to me, holding out a pair of pyjamas.

"You get changed whilst I change the bed sheets." Hermione said, pushing me in the direction of the bathroom. Slowly I stumbled my way into the bathroom and got changed. I caught a glimpse of my ghostly reflection. Skin cold and pale, hair sticking to my forehead whilst my eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying. When I exited the bathroom Hermione had already changed my bed sheets and was sitting on the edge of my bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked kindly.

"No." I managed to croak out around my closed throat. Suddenly the door opens and in comes Ginny, Fred, George and Professor McGonagall. And it was as though no one else existed, I could see that George was all right and alive, I launched myself at him (luckily he caught me) and clung to him, crying into his t-shirt.

"Hey... Ari shh, it's alright, I'm here." George soothed into my ear, I just continued to cry into his shoulder.

"Would someone like to tell me what's going on here?" Professor McGonagall demanded her usual bun now fell in a long plait down her back letting me know that we had woken her up.

"Ari was screaming Professor, we tried everything we could to get her to wake up, but it was like something was pulling her deeper into her dream." Hermione explained. Professor McGonagall sighed before she addressed us.

"Ariella, I want you to come with me. George you better come along as well. Ginny could you get Professor Snape, I believe he is in his classroom and tell him to meet us in Professor Dumbledore's office? We have a lot to discuss." She said before she let our room. Ginny ran out to go get Professor Snape, Hermione and Fred just stood there and George carried me, my legs and arms locked around his body, after Professor McGonagall.

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