|Chapter Thirty ~ You're a Girl|

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That evening we had a study hour. This was an hour where we could sit in the Great Hall and finish off all of our homework, and depending on the teacher who was on watch, we were normally allowed to talk. Unfortunately for Ron and Harry, we had Professor Snape on duty today, and he liked to enforce his strict no talking rule.

Professor Snape was definitely the worst teacher to have on duty, Trelawney being the best. He showed obvious favouritism towards the Slytherins and his detest for the Gryffindors. The Slytherins were allowed to talk and leave early whilst the Gryffindors had to sit in silence and stay behind if we didn't finish all the work, all because he was their head of house.

"This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Ron grumbled, just as Snape walked past. Snape, not one to miss an opportunity of disciplining, slapped Ron round the back of his head with his book in a sign for Ron to be quiet. Of course he didn't listen. "Well, us and Neville!" Ron says, sniggering.

"But then again he can take himself." Harry said, laughing at the thought of Neville twirling around in a circle all on his own.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione said, looking up from her book, eyes narrowing in anger. The news that Neville had a date caused Ron to gasp in shock.

"Now I'm really depressed." Ron said, slumping in his seat resting his head on his arms. I watched as Fred teared a piece of parchment out of his book before scribbling a note to Ron on it.

Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone!

Of course this caused Ron to ask who Fred was going with. Because Fred didn't have a date already, he made a point in asking out the person that, I believe, he has been crushing on... Angelina Johnson. Seeing his older brother ask a girl out so easily Ron turned  to Hermione. "Well Hermione, you're a girl."

"Oh well spotted." She hissed back angrily in a reply to Ron's obvious comment about her gender.

"Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad." Ron said, grinning at her.

"Gosh your brother really knows how to charm a girl." I whispered to George as we watched the scene unfold between the two friends.

"He learnt that from Percy. He couldn't charm a bee." George said, scoffing slightly at the thought of Percy being anything but annoying.

"Hasn't Percy got a girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah you're right. I guess Ron is the worst in the family for flirting then." He grinned before he turned back to the drama that was unfurling in front of us. It was better than any soap I had ever watched on TV.

"I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone's asked me." She said hotly, before standing up to give Professor Snape her homework. "And I said yes." She hissed before she stomped off out of the Great Hall and went out of the entrance.

"Bloody hell." Ron said as he watched her storm off.

"Honestly Ron, you could at least have a little tact." I said to the youngest Weasley brother. "I'm going to see if she's alright." I said to George before standing up, handing Professor Snape my potions homework before running out of the hall after Hermione. I didn't have to look far. She was sat on one of the benches in the courtyard. "Ron's an idiot. In fact I'm pretty sure that's the definition of his name." I said to her, sitting down next to her.

"I know, but is it so hard to believe that I would have a date?" She asked, sniffling slightly.

"Of course not, but he's a boy. Boys tend to be a little slower than us girls, you've just got to give them time and when they find out the truth, boom you're stuck with them." I said laughing. Eventually she joined in with me. "So... I take it Victor asked you to the ball then?" I asked as we were walking up to the Gryffindor common room.

"Uhmm, yeah." She said, blushing slightly.

"Aw!" I squealed in excitement. "Do you want to go dress shopping with me tomorrow?" I asked her, getting more and more excited.

"Yeah, that'd be great. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to shopping." She said smiling as we entered the common room and sat close to the fire. A few minutes later, a pale looking Ron is being helped into the room by Ginny.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked as Hermione and I rushed over to check on Ron.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny said, looking at her brother in pity.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"What did she say?" Harry asked, intrigued.

"No of course." Hermione said as though it was obvious. When Ron shook his head we were all shocked. "She said yes?" Hermione asked, the most shocked out of all of us.

"Don't be silly. There she was walking by. You know I like it when they walk. I couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out." Ron explained.

"Actually he sort of screamed at her, it was a bit frightening." Ginny explained to us. Now that Ron was looking more his natural colour I turned around to walk back to the sofa, which was now occupied with the twins.

"What's going on with Ron?" Fred asked as I sat down in the middle of them, as per usual.

"He asked Fleur Delacour out, apparently he screamed at her." I said shrugging my shoulders; this caused the twins to burst into fits of laughter. "Hey! Stop it! It's not his fault he's awkward with women." I said, sticking up for the younger brother.

"He also got that from Percy!" George managed to get out through his laughter.

"Quit being so mean George." I huffed before I stomped upstairs, heading towards my dorm. 

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