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I stood at the base of the isle way staring at the chairs lined up along it. The flowers seemingly everywhere with soft music playing in the background. Today was the day, 'wedding day', honestly I don't know that I ever thought it would come, but here we were. Vic was running around like a crazy person and I couldn't help but laugh as she came to a stop abruptly in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders. "There you are. How the fuck are you so calm?" She was practically yelling.

I kept laughing and she didn't seem impressed, "Relax Vic, you would think it was your wedding or something."

"Ya well we both know I didn't do so well that day either, but seriously how are you just standing here? Aren't you worried at all?" she still looked panicked but I honestly didn't have a nervous bone in my body. Today I was marrying the love of my life and there wasn't anything for me to worry about.

I put my hands on her shoulders, "Breathe." She took a deep breath and calmed down slightly, "No I'm not worried, the place could virtually burn down and as long as she's here with me I really won't care."

She shook her head because she still didn't believe it but I guess it's important that someone freak out just a little on a wedding day. I took another look around the room, everything looked great and with no one but us standing there everything looked perfect.

It had been two years since I met Ashley but it seemed like so much longer. About a year ago after Vic and Megan got married I asked her to marry me. I wanted to do it so much sooner but thought that it was the smart thing to do to wait considering the high intensity of the start of our relationship.

After Nathan had been arrested and I had got out of the hospital Ash and I took a long overdue vacation. We found a beach and just relaxed for two weeks. With my broken ribs it wasn't really possible to do much else but on that trip we talked about the future, what we wanted for our lives and I fell in love with her even more.

When we came back Ash officially moved her stuff into my house and got rid of her apartment. We made her a manager at the bar because she insisted on keeping her job, and even though the I considered my money hers she didn't want to stop working. Plus with me at the bar all the time anyway it's not like she wouldn't be there too.

Since then we have expanded to a second location in the city. We were lucky to find someone that we could trust to manage it so we didn't have to spend too much more time working than what we already did and it's been doing well. It's not as big as Chaos but it's doing just as well.

Nathan went on trial but thankfully I didn't have to testify because there was enough evidence on the other things he was charged for to put him away for a really long time. We had moved on with our lives and now I was about to live the best day of my life so far.

I went back to my hotel room to finish getting ready. The guests were going to start arriving in the next couple hours. My hair was already done and makeup on so basically I just had to get dressed. I would have been find getting married at city hall with just Vic and Megan to witness but Ashley said she wanted to show me off and who was I to argue with her. That being said we were now expecting 200 of our closest friends, and by closest I really mean a bunch of people who drink at the bar and a handful of our closest friends.

Vic came in a few minutes later as I stared out the window with a couple of drinks. "Here I thought you might need this," she said handing one to me. She probably needed it more than I did but although I wasn't nervous about the day I was nervous about seeing her. We decided not to see each other last night, well she decided I wasn't happy about it. I knew that the moment I saw her no matter how composed I was I wouldn't be able to contain my emotion.

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now