Chapter Two

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After showing Ashley around and introducing her to everyone that was already working today I showed her some of the basics and decided I needed to sit down and have something to eat and it was time for her to take a break too so we sat down and ordered some food. "So you and Victoria are friends?" she asked with a tone I was familiar with. Most people assumed we were together but I was surprised since she had never seen us together before. I raised an eyebrow, "Ya, we're friends. Why do you ask?"

She looked down nervously, "I don't mean to pry, just when I was in here I saw you guys and you kind of look like an old married couple." I forgot that she had said she had come in here before. I started laughing and she looked a little afraid she had offended me. "Don't worry Ashley, you are hardly the first person to think that. But no we aren't together, we've been friends literally forever, that's why we fight like a married couple."

A smile came over her face hopefully relieved that she hadn't upset me. "Ok, sorry I hope I didn't offend you," she hesitated for a second like she wanted to say something but didn't know if she should. She shook her head as if deciding not to, "You know I meant to ask Victoria, why did you guys call this place Chaos?"

There was something she wanted to say and it wasn't about the bar but I let it go for now. "It's kind of an inside joke between us. A few years back we both met girls that caused us to make massive changes in our lives. We've always said they caused chaos, so..." I pointed to the walls around us. "So are these women still causing chaos in your lives now?" she asked with a bit of a smirk on her face.

It would be easy to get lost in this woman's eyes and if I kept looking at them long enough I was sure that I would. I started to answer her question when I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" I heard a whisper in my ear.

A smile came over my face as I grabbed her hands off my eyes and stood up and turned around. "Hey beautiful," I said as I gave her a quick kiss. "What are you doing here?" she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "I told you I missed you so I thought we could have lunch." She wrapped her arms around my neck and started running her hands through the back of my hair.

I suddenly remembered we had an audience and turned back to the table slightly, "Oh sorry, I just ate. Vanessa this is our new bartender Ashley. Ashley this is my girlfriend Vanessa." Ashley stood up to shake Vanessa's hand and Vanessa took it reluctantly. "Nice to meet you," Ashley said and Vanessa nodded.

"Did you want me to get you some food babe since I already ate?" She shook her head and leaned pressing mouth to my ear, "No I would rather just have dessert." My eyes widened and I could feel Ashley watching us. I told Vanessa to go back into my office and I would be there in a minute, she looked a little disappointed but went anyway, her hips swaying a little more than usual as she did. I shook my head at her absurdity and turned back to Ashley, "Sorry, like I said chaos."

"Well I guess that answers my question." She started cleaning up the table. I started to help her. Unless I was having a business dinner or it was a party I didn't like my staff cleaning up after me. I leaned down to pick up a plate and she put her hand on mine, "It's fine I'll clean up, she's waiting for you."

I felt bad leaving her with the mess, but I wouldn't say that I wasn't excited to get to see Vanessa, I couldn't remember the last time we had some real time alone together. I was here at night and she took off every morning to go to the gym or for a run. We would have a couple hours in the afternoon sometimes but other than that it had been a while. Somehow no matter how little time we had together though we always managed to have sex, whether it was when I got home after the bar or after her morning workout, or in the case of today when she came to see me at work spur of the moment.

As I was walking back to my office I looked around to see that everyone was taken care of. I said hello to a few of our regulars and nodded to Liz who knew the drill and would make sure I wasn't disturbed and she already knew to show Ashley everything that goes on downstairs during the day. I opened my office door and my jaw hit the floor. She was standing in front of my desk leaning back on it in nothing but black lace. It was a set that I bought her a couple months ago and because of how we spent our intimate time I hadn't seen her in it.

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now