Chapter Twenty Five

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"Laur, come back to bed," Ashley was whining from bed as I was getting ready in the bathroom. "You know you don't want to leave me here like this."

I leaned out the bathroom door to see her laying on the bed leaning on her elbow naked from the waist up. She was smirking at me because from the look on my face she knew she was right, I definitely didn't want to leave her like this. I bit my lip before taking a breath, "Why are you trying to kill me babe?"

She turned onto her stomach which rolled the blanket off her back, I was now staring at her beautiful backside and the smirk on her face was getting bigger by the second, "Aww, come on babe just give me an hour."

I raised an eyebrow, "An hour eh? I walked closer to the bed and she rolled on to her back so I was standing over her. She grabbed on to the bottom of my shirt and pulled me downward. I leaned over her my hands on either side of her head. "You know you can't say no," she leaned up and took my lip between her teeth.

She pulled me further on top of her and I climbed onto the bed. I slid my leg between hers and pressed my thigh to her center. I pressed my lips against her ear and whispered, "Is this what you want?" Her back arched as I applied more pressure with my thigh and she let out a light moan. She wasn't wrong resisting her was virtually impossible and as I felt her body beneath me and her hands slid my shirt up my back, I knew that I only had a moment if I was going to get out of here on time for my meeting.

I guess I could be a little late. I let my body fall onto hers and placed a hard kiss to her lips. Her hands were up the back of my shirt and her nails were dragging down my back. She knew how much it turned me on and she was doing everything she could to keep me there. She released my lips and ran her tongue along my jaw until she was breathing in my ear, her breath was ragged as my thigh moved slowly between her legs. She took my earlobe in her mouth and I knew she was about to say something that would make it next to impossible for me to leave, "Come on baby, pleeeease," she dragged out. "Please fuck me." There it was, this moment was going to prove my level of self control as she was about to pull my shirt off again. I kissed her lips again running my hand along her body and stopping between her legs, before I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Later baby."

I got up quickly and went back into the bathroom, I wanted to look back to see the look on her face but based on the pillow that came flying through the bathroom door I knew exactly the face she was making. "You're an asshole!" I couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry babe, I can't be late."

I finished getting ready and came back into the bedroom to see her sitting there legs spread wide and her hand between them. "Well I guess I'll just have to take care of myself then," she said with a smirk. She was still doing everything she could to keep me there and the show she was putting on now was enough to stop me from leaving but I couldn't miss this meeting with our liquor supplier as much as I really wanted to. I walked over to the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Have fun," I said and walked out the door knowing that the rest of my day was going to be spent wondering what she did once I left the room.


"So you just left her there," Vic's eyes were wide. I groaned, "Yes."

She was shaking her head, "You are in so much trouble."

"Ya, ya, she is in just as much trouble, but that's not the point. Have you heard from Maddie at all?" After being followed the other night all communication was no going through Vic so I didn't run the risk of worrying Ashley.

She shook her head, "No nothing yet. The last thing she said was that she was waiting to hear back from a friend about an old warrant or something. So hopefully."

It wasn't the relief I was hoping for but it sounded like progress and I would take it. I said goodbye to Vic who was working the day today and I made my way back home to my girlfriend in hopes of continuing where we had left off this morning. We were both back in the bar tonight but had a few hours to kill, I was determined to make the best of them.

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