Chapter Sixteen

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"You're too good to people you know that," I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Ya, ya," I said while I listened to Vic lecture me while we watched the new cameras being installed. She thought I was a little crazy for doing it.

It wasn't uncommon for Vic to say this even though she would be the first one to go out of her way for someone she cares about.

"Shut up, you know you would too if it was you," she shrugged and laughed.

I knew it was a little extreme but even if I wasn't seeing Ashley this guy had already come into the bar and it was a good idea to be careful.

"Has he been back around here since that night?" I shook my head, we hadn't seen him since that night but from the stories that Ashley was telling me I knew that this wasn't the kind of guy that was going to give up.

It was early morning and they were putting in five more cameras that took care of all the blind spots in the bar. "No but you know he's coming back."

She nodded knowing that I was right. "I know but where am I going to go when Megan comes with this camera here," she pointed at the guy that was putting up a back hallway camera.

I started laughing, of course she was worried about her sex life. "Well you could go in your office for once, you know with a door and a lock. And please like there aren't another ten places you can go and you know it."

She shrugged and laughed, "What's the fun in that."

"Uh huh," I said and started to make my way to the door, I was taking off for a little bit before work tonight. She put her hand up in the air without looking back at me saying, "Don't have too much sex before work, it's going to be busy tonight."

Vic was never one to hold her tongue but it was part of why our friendship worked because either was I. When I got into the car I took out my phone to send a text.

"On my way."

I got a response before I put the car in drive.

A: "Hurry, I'm waiting... In bed."

She couldn't see me but I was biting my lip as I pictured her lying in bed waiting for me. I put the car in drive and took off.


I walked through the bedroom door and there she was laying in bed. She was leaning on her side wearing practically nothing. "Well that was fast," she said with a smile.

I walked towards the bed and leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips, I started to kiss down her neck and moved to her ear and whispered, "You told me to hurry."

Vic's last comment went through my mind and I almost laughed thinking about how right she was about how much sex we were having. Since that first night we had spent most nights together, some at her place others at mine but we were spending a lot of that time in bed.

Being wrapped up in this woman was completely intoxicating and no matter how much I wanted to stay in control of what was happening it was becoming abundantly clear that I was losing that battle. Every time she looked at me I got lost and when she wasn't paying attention I still found myself lost in her.

I really shouldn't want to be involved with anyone, I really couldn't understand how I could give myself to her so soon after Vanessa but there was something about her that I trusted and there was no shaking it. I just had to hope that I wasn't wrong in giving it to her.

I climbed up onto the bed and rolled her onto her back, she looked up at me with those crystal blue eyes and with one look I knew that I was going to be extremely tired when I got back to work tonight.

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