Chapter Twenty Three

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Vic managed to avoid talking about the proposal for another day but we had set a day to go get the ring so progress was being made. There was no way that Megan was going to say no but seeing Vic so nervous was slightly entertaining.

I was sitting at the bar as we got ready for the Saturday night rush. Tomorrow Ashley and I were going out on an official date and she was currently trying to find out what we were doing. "Come on Laur, tell me something?" I shook my head laughing, "Nope."

She came around the edge of the bar and slid her hand along my stomach. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I promise it will be worth it if you do." I bit my tongue because just being in her general vicinity made it difficult to concentrate when her hands were on me and she was breathing in my ear, it was enough to kill me.

I grabbed her hand off my stomach and lifted it to my lips. I placed a soft kiss and looked into her eyes, "No." She pulled her hand back and walked to the other side of the bar with a pout.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and Vic came up behind me, "Looks like you're in trouble." I shook my head, "Nah, she's just mad that I haven't told her what we are doing tomorrow night."

"I don't want to hear about your sexcapades," she said and I pushed her. "First, we are having date night, we've never actually been on a date. And second, as if I haven't listened to hundreds of your sex stories."

She shrugged because she knew I was right. "So are we ever going to talk about this proposal?" I asked changing the subject. She turned to look at me ready to tell me to fuck off when her eyes went wide at something behind me.

"What?" I asked as I turned around and came face to face with Dani. I could feel Vic still close behind me, probably staying close just in case a fight broke out. Dani stood there looking cocky as ever and I knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"What the fuck are you doing here Dani?" Vic asked from behind me before I could. Dani looked over my shoulder and rolled her eyes, "Nice to see you too Vic."

I felt Vic moving closer and I reached my hand out behind me to stop her without turning around. "Dani I told you to stay away. What do you want?"

She took a step closer to me and was reaching out to put her hand on my face when I felt another body next to me quickly. Ashley's hand reached out and grabbed Dani's as she slid in front of me, "Do you mind telling me what you are doing trying to touch my girlfriend?"

I could tell that Ashley's grip on Dani's hand was tight but if it hurt she wasn't letting on. Dani ripped her hand away and took a step back. I grabbed Ashley around the waist and moved her to my side keeping my hand on her back. "Easy babe," I whispered but I don't know if she heard me. Her eyes were pointed at Dani and if looks could kill they would both be dead.

Dani hesitated slightly but then a smirk came back over her face, "Oh I thought I would get another kiss, the one the other night was so good."

My heart sank. I hadn't told Ash about the kiss and I was instantly regretting it. We had already had issues with Dani being around the last thing I wanted to do was make her think there was something to worry about. I looked over to start to explain to Ashley but before I got the chance she spoke up. "Oh, did you think that Lauren didn't tell me about you throwing yourself at her. Listen bitch, I suggest you leave before I throw you out of here myself."

I was completely surprised by the comment, and figured there would be a long conversation about it somewhere down the line but for the moment I was glad she wasn't giving Dani the satisfaction. Dani however didn't take too well to the comment and jumped forward swinging. I stepped forward grabbing on to her arms and Vic grabbed Ash who was moving forward too. They were both yelling at each other although it was so loud I wasn't sure what either was saying.

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