Chapter Fourteen

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I'm sitting at a table on the patio with Ashley having lunch. It was a slow day today so we were both able to take lunch at the same time. Vic had disappeared for a few hours and I figured she was trying to fix what was going on with Megan. I hadn't talked to her yet but if she wasn't here it must mean that Megan was at least talking to her so that is always a plus.

"You think that Vic and Megan will be ok?" I was looking across the table at Ashley as she took a sip of her drink. Her eyes were on mine and she had a smirk on her face as I glanced down to her lips. All I could think about was taking her lip between mine. "Focus Laur," she said her smiling getting wider by the second.

I shook out of my stare but didn't address her comment and instead answered her question, "Ya I think they will be. They love each other and even though Vic was an idiot for not telling Meg about the kiss she didn't initiate it. They'll be fine."

She got up out of her chair and walked around behind me, she started picking up my plate but ran her hand across the back of my neck as she did. A chill went down my back knowing she was trying get me worked up. "What are you doing?" I managed to mumble out as her hand slid down my arm.

She leaned forward so her mouth was close to my ear. "I'm cleaning up," she whispered and let her tongue graze the inside of my ear. She started laughing as she grabbed her plate and walked away. I couldn't help myself as I watched her hips swayed as she walked. She looked back over her shoulder knowing I was watching and smirked.


"So she didn't kill you?" I asked Vic as we sat at the bar. It was a pretty slow day in comparison to others so we had the opportunity to sit and chat for a change instead of running around like crazy people.

Ashley handed us both drinks and walked over to the other side of the bar. I watched her go and she looked over and smiled at me when she saw me looking. I heard laughing next to me and when I looked over Vic had a look on her face that I knew well. One that said "You are so fucked James."

"What's your problem Rhodes?" She shook her head and continued to laugh but I knew that she was right. "So what happened with Megan?"

She took a drink and put it back on the bar, "Honestly, I thought for sure she was going to kill me. Especially after the conversation in your office. I told her what happened and at first she stormed out. I of course chased after her."

"Well of course you did, you're whipped," she slapped my arm. "I'm kidding continue."

I finished the rest of my drink and was watching Ashley pour another drink. She looked over at me and winked. "I met her at home and thankfully she had cooled down. I explained that night to her and told her that the reason I didn't tell her was because I was scared. She threw some stuff at me and was ready to kick me out of the house."

I looked at her confused because obviously that didn't happen, "What changed her mind?"

"When I told her that I didn't tell you about Vanessa because I was afraid to lose her she was completely shocked. Said that if I could lie to you to protect us that it meant something. She's still not happy, but she's not angry anymore."

I put my hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I was happy that they were ok because I knew how much they loved each other, but I couldn't help but give her a little dig. "Well at least something good came out of you lying to me."

Her mouth dropped open and she was about to say something, probably going to try and apologize again when I put my hand up to stop her, "I'm kidding Vic, I'm just glad you guys are ok."

She smiled at me and then looked down the bar at Ashley, "So what is going on over there?" She said it loud enough that Ashley heard her and was smiling. She came walking over to us and leaned in to whisper, "Well she wants me clearly," and turned around and walked away.

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