Chapter Eleven

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After our tense conversation Vic and I decided we were going to hide out in the office until we were absolutely needed or Jordan left whatever came first. That unfortunately didn't work out to our advantage when Ashley appeared at the door again awhile later.

"She wants to talk to the owner," was all she said when she opened the door and I saw the terrified look on Vic's face.

Vic looked like she was ready to have a heart attack but was silent, "Why does she want to talk to the owner? Did something go wrong out there?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "No Laur, we didn't do anything wrong. She said she heard great things about how the bar was LGBT friendly because of the owners and she wanted to talk about getting involved in some advertising for it."

"Of course she does," was all Vic managed to say. I looked over at her and I knew that there was no way she was going to walk out and talk to Jordan, not after what we just sorted out between us and what we still had to try and sort out with the Megan and Vanessa. "I'll go," I said and she looked relieved.

I was halfway to the door and she grabbed my arm, "Wait what are you going to tell her when she asks about me. She's never going to be believe that I'm not here."

I sighed but tried to keep my composure so she didn't freak out more. "Vic," I put my hand on hers that was still on my arm. "Trust me ok. You're right she won't believe that you aren't involved in the bar but I can at least buy some time by saying you aren't here tonight. I'll go out and talk to her, you go out the back and go home."

She nodded and I went back towards the door, before I shut it behind me I turned back towards her, "Tell Megan that Jordan is here, you don't want her to be surprised by it." She didn't say anything but she knew I was right. I walked out the door with Ashley while I tried to decide how the hell I was going to deal with this.

"Are you ok?" Ashley asked putting her hand on the small of my back. It caught me off guard because I was lost in my thoughts. She stepped in front of me and I stopped walking. She put one hand on my shoulder and one under my chin, "Laur, are you ok?"

I shook my head, not because I wasn't ok but because I needed to shake away the daze that I was in while trying to figure out what to say when Jordan sees me. "I'm good, just need to get it done so I can deal with everything else going on."

She hadn't let me go yet and was looking into my eyes. She leaned in and placed a soft simple kiss on my lips, I didn't have time to react before she pulled back and said, "Stay at my place tonight."

I didn't know what to say to her at the moment but the more insane the day had got the more I was seriously considering it. "We'll see," I said before continuing down the hall toward the bar.

We went behind the bar and Ashley went over to where Jordan was standing. She had her back to the bar and was talking to someone I assumed she had come in with when Ashley reached across the bar to get her attention. I put a smile on my face as Jordan spun around and her eyes went wide, "Lauren?"

We hadn't spent a ton of time together when her and Vic were dating but I hadn't changed much in the years that had passed and she clearly still remembered me by the look on her face. "Hey Jordan," I said through the noise and pointed to the end of the bar where I could meet her so we could actually talk.

"Why don't we go upstairs before it gets crazy up there," I suggested and she nodded. I wasn't sure how this conversation was going to go but thought it might be better that the staff or any of the regulars didn't overhear it.

As I walked toward the stairs I noticed Ashley watching and she smiled at me almost like she was wishing me good luck. I looked up at the camera that I knew Vic was probably watching even if I had told her to go home. When got up there it was empty, Lindsay had already set up and must have stepped out.

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