Chapter Six

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"So you went home and had angry sex?" Vic was sitting on the couch next to my desk. I nodded and she kept talking, "Do you really think she's cheating?"

I shrugged, "Seriously I don't know. I would never have thought so but she is definitely lying to me. She avoided answering the question and after we had sex we went to sleep. The last few days we just stayed away from each other. I've been here and she's been doing who knows what."

She looked like she was thinking, there was something she wanted to say but was fighting it. "What is it Vic?"

She shook her head, "It's nothing. I'm just wondering what's going on."

There was something about the way she was looking at me that made me doubt what she was saying. In all the years we've been friends I don't think I've ever felt like she was holding back with me but right now that was exactly how I was feeling.

"Vic," I said matter of fact. "Come on you know you can't lie to me."

She stood up and was still shaking her head, "No really James it's nothing. Come on it's time to get to work." She opened the door, walked out and I was left sitting there confused.


"What's going on with you two today?" Ashley was asking me as I sat at the end of the bar playing with the straw in my drink. I looked up shocked not realizing she was even standing there.

I shook my head, "Sorry what did you say?"

It wasn't very busy so she leaned over the bar and lightly touched my hand. No one would notice unless they were watching closely but she lightly started rubbing the back of my hand. "You and Vic haven't spoken in three hours. She looks like she's avoiding you. Lovers quarrel?"

I almost started laughing at the fact that she had noticed, and although she thought she was making a joke, she was right. Vic was staying on the other side of the bar, she was trying to keep busy and after the first hour I stop trying to get her attention.

When I looked up from my drink, which I was sure I was going to have more of tonight, she was staring at me with what I would assume was concern in her eyes. "Oh shit, are you guys actually fighting? I'm sorry."

I shook my head to try and reassure her, she couldn't possibly have known that anything was actually wrong, but the question was what exactly was wrong? "I honestly don't know. There's some stuff going on and when I was talking to her I could tell she was hiding something from me. She's never done that, but as you pointed out, with her avoiding me it's more than obvious that I'm right."

She moved her hand and started to pour me another drink as someone else had come over to where we were standing. I could tell she wanted to ask more but seemed to know that this wasn't the place to have the conversation, "You guys will be ok, she's your best friend."

I gave her a small smile as she walked over to another customer and continued to pour drinks. I finally made eye contact with Victoria but almost as soon as I did she looked away and started walking in the other direction.


The rest of the night went by quickly, Vic had taken off early because it wasn't really that busy for a Tuesday night. She didn't actually tell me but relayed the message through Ashley and waved to me across the bar.

I had a few more drinks but managed to keep myself above water. I didn't do much but luckily I didn't have to because the staff was on top of everything. I was standing at the door waiting for everyone to take off. Ashley was the last one to walk by and she stopped slightly and asked quietly, "You ok."

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now