Chapter Twenty Eight

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Suddenly I felt the weight of my body and holy fuck did it hurt. I still couldn't move but I could feel every ache and pain. I was trying to open my eyes but it still wouldn't happen but I could feel someone holding my hand. There wasn't much noise going on around me but I could feel that they're were people in the room.

I could feel weight on my arm and I forced my eyes to open. Someone had taken my contacts out so everything was a little bit blurry bit I could see Vic and Megan sleep on a couch across from me. They looked so peaceful but restless at the same time.

I looked down at the arm that felt weighted down and found Ashley sleeping but holding on to me for dear life. I instantly felt awful for going into the bar and egging him on. Maybe this all wouldn't have happened. I didn't ever want her to be involved with him in anyway but seeing her run down and exhausted broke my heart.

Ashley was holding my hand and I tried to move it and when I did she instantly moved her head from my arm. " Laur," I heard her whisper.

I tried to clear my throat but couldn't form words. I concentrated enough to squeeze her hand and when I did she looked up. She was half asleep but when our eyes met I knew everything was going to be ok. She jumped up and hugged me tight and I groaned, "Oh shit, sorry Laur."

I would have laughed if I could but instead I cleared my throat again and tried to speak, "Hi baby." I sounded like I had been gargling rocks but it came out.

Almost as soon as I spoke Vic jumped up from her chair and startled Megan in the process. "What the fuck babe, what's going... Oh, welcome back Laur," Megan said smiling. "I'll go get the doctor," and she walked out of the room.

"James! Of all the dumb, moronic, idiotic, careless, things you could have done," Vic started almost yelling.

I looked over to her and smiled, "I love you too Vic."

She rolled her eyes and this time I did laugh a little bit. A moment later Megan was back with the doctor and asked everyone to leave the room. They were all hesitant to do so but I told them it would be ok and they finally went.

The doctor proceeded to tell me I had 4 broken ribs, a concussion, some internal bleeding and that I was lucky my cheek bone wasn't busted. I had been unconscious for almost 24 hours and they were a little worried for a while but overall I'm going to be ok. At that moment I realized I must look like hell, he wasn't playing around when he was hitting me.

It had only been a couple minutes but Ashley and Vic were already back at the door trying to get in. The doctor looked at me questioning without words if I wanted company but I just laughed as if he could stop them anyway. "It's all good Doc."

He nodded and walked towards the door before stopping to say, "Alright take it easy on her she needs her rest if she's going to get out of here tomorrow." I hadn't asked because I thought I was going to be in here forever, the idea that I was going to be getting out tomorrow just made me feel instantly better. Especially if I was doing my math right tomorrow was Sunday and Vic was supposed to be proposing to Megan.

As usual Vic and I were on the same wavelength and she understood what I was thinking. She just shook her head and I cut my eyes at her. She wasn't going to back out of this because of me, there was no way I was going to let that happen. "Hey babe, you think you could go get me something to drink other than water?" Vic rolled her eyes knowing what I was trying to do. "Of course Laur, I'll be right back."

She walked out the door and instantly Vic looked at me to start talking. I put my hand up which hurt like a bitch but the painful grimace on my face stopped her from talking. "Don't you dare Vic. You are going through with it. This is important and you aren't backing out."

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