Chapter Thirteen

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The next few days went by easier than I thought it would, Vanessa had started packing up her stuff to move out. I wasn't sure what she was planning on doing but I gave her enough money to get by for the next little while, which Vic highly disagreed with but I was trying to be the bigger person.

Vic: "You're not being the bigger person you are being a dumbass. Throw her out on her ass."

I rolled my eyes as I was getting ready to head into work. Vanessa had emptied out her closet and her stuff was no longer sitting on her end table. I sat down on the bottom of the bed to text Vic back.

"It's fine, she's almost all moved out."

Vic: "Can I punch her in the throat...Pleeeeasseee?"

"No, now go enjoy your day off. Tell Meg I said hi."

I put my phone in my pocket and headed out to the door.


Over the last few days I hadn't really talked to Ashley. She had text me a few times but I really didn't know what to say so we hadn't really talked. She was trying to be supportive and I appreciated it alot but being around her was adding to my already complicated life.

However when I walked into work today it was obvious I could no longer avoid her because she was standing in front of the door with her arms crossed waiting for me. "Hey," I said as I went to unlock the door.

"Don't hey me," she grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Why are you avoiding me?" She was looking directly into my eyes and I wanted to look away. I wanted to tell her that I wasn't avoiding her that I had just been busy. I had never had trouble spinning the truth a little to help myself but as I stood there looking at her I knew that I couldn't lie to her.

"Let's go inside and we can talk," I said and grabbed her hand as we walked into the bar. Standing outside having the conversation meant that someone else could see and even if me and Vanessa were over not everyone knew that yet and I didn't need people talking about me and one of my employees quite yet.

She followed me back to my office and we sat down on the couch. I was in early and I actually had some work to get done but it was clear by the look on her face that we were going to have this conversation now.

Ashley was sitting on the other side of the couch which was the complete opposite to what I was used to with her and I really didn't like it. We were facing each other but I couldn't bring myself to look up at her, "What's going on Lauren?"

It was the first time she had called me Lauren since the day she started and it got my attention. "Yes I've been avoiding you," I said quietly. "But probably not for the reasons you think."

She crossed her arms and continued to stare at me, "I think that you're afraid that there might be something here between us and you're freaking out so you are avoiding me."

My eyes went wide as she stood up and takes a seat on the side of my desk, "Ok maybe it's the reason you think."

"Why are you so afraid?" she wasn't angry but there was a look in her eye that said she wanted an honest answer. I didn't have some complicated explanation, it was actually pretty simple, "You scare me."

I got up and walked over to the desk. I stepped between her legs and put my hand on the side of her neck, she instinctively closed her eyes as my thumb ran across the side of her face. "Nothing in my life makes a whole lot of sense right now, my best friend was lying to me, my girlfriend was cheating on me. My life is about to change."

She turned her head toward my hand and kissed it. "This is definitely not where I thought my life would be today, I should stay away from you, you're so dangerous to me." She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt