Chapter Eighteen

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"So did you and Ashley talk after you had sex?" she paused but started talking before I had the chance to answer. "Do you realize how often you have sex to avoid arguments?" she asked with a smirk on her face as she stood in front of me while I sat at my desk.

She wasn't wrong it happened more than it probably should. It was something that happened between Vanessa and I often and I wasn't really excited about the way that things had gone with Ashley. "Let's not go there, but no we didn't talk. I woke up in the morning and she was gone, there was a note on the pillow that said 'I need time'.

The sad look on Vic's face said it all, "I'm sorry James." I smiled slightly, "What can you do right? I'll give her some space and deal with shit with Dani and hopefully it will be ok."

She nodded, "She really cares about you I can see it. I don't think she's going to be able to stay away from you."

I liked the thought of that but considering she just left me in bed after sex without a word I didn't know if I could believe it. I stood up from my desk and took a deep breath, "We'll see. For now let's work." Vic nodded and started towards the door when she stopped suddenly.

"Wait, what are you going to do about Dani? She's supposed to call you today right? Do you think she knew you were here?"

I sighed as I stood with my hand on the door to my office. I had told Dani to call me today but there was a big part of me that wasn't sure I wanted her to. Our history was so complicated and my feelings for her were something that I never really knew how to deal with and Vic was very aware of that.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'll see if she calls and go from there I guess. Do you think it's possible that she knew?" I hadn't considered that she would know that I'm here since we had never come across anyone we knew before and it wasn't like I still kept in touch with her but I guess anything is possible.

Vic shrugged but looked like she was considering it to be a real possibility. "I don't know, but I do think it's kind of crazy that both of us had ex's walk into our bar in such a short period of time when we don't talk to anyone from back home."

She wasn't wrong it was weird but things had been so crazy I hadn't really stopped to think about it being intentional.

"But while we're on the topic of ex's, has Jordan reached out at all? And you never told me what Meg said about it when you told her. How pissed was she?"

We were still standing at the door but I soon realized that we weren't going  out there anytime soon. Vic let out a great big sigh and went back to sit down on the couch. I walked over and leaned on the side of my desk. "Oh she wasn't pissed about Jordan but she was pissed about the kiss. Honestly, for a while I thought I might be showing up on your door for somewhere to sleep."

I gave her a sad smile was glad that it didn't come to that, "So why is it that I didn't have a house guest?"

She couldn't help but smile and I knew that she was thinking about Megan. Her smile quickly turned into a smirk and I just shook my head, "Perve."

She pretended to look shocked before laughing, "You seriously slept with her to get passed this."

She shrugged, "Well there wasn't much sleeping going on."

I rolled my eyes but knew I had walked right into that one.

She shook her but was still laughing, "No but really. We talked. She knows I love her and was just mad that I didn't tell her. As far as Jordan goes, she knew about her then, and she knows that there wasn't really any closure so she said she's ok with me talking to her. As long as I do it here."

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