Chapter Three

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After we set up the bar upstairs Ashley went back down and worked behind the bar for a little while. Lindsay did her soundcheck and was happy with the sound. After getting the dig from Ashley I went back over and talked to her again. I ended up telling her to call me Lauren, the idea that I didn't because I was jealous was ridiculous.

As the dinner hour hit things started to get busier which meant I would be running around for the next little while. Vic had stepped out to go pick up a couple things we needed last minute and I was helping out behind the bar while someone was on a break. Almost every time Ashley passed by me she found a way to touch me in some way. It wasn't overt but I definitely knew it was happening and she was definitely doing it on purpose.

Everyone has been served for the moment and I was standing there people watching when she was suddenly standing in front of me. She wasn't touching me but she was close. She wasn't saying anything but was just staring at me so I broke the silence, "How are you doing Ashley, anything I can help you with?"

A smirk came over her face, she took small step to the side as if she was getting something off the shelf behind me and said so only I could hear her, "Oh I know there's a few things you can help me with." I was looking out at the customers so I had to keep a straight face but I was having a hard time doing that. I turned to look at her, "You are going to be nothing but trouble aren't you?" She smiled as she walked to go help a customer and said, "You have no idea."

Ashley walked over to the other side of the bar and I couldn't help but watch her walk away. When she got over there I could see a set of eyes staring at me and the look on the face that belonged to those eyes did not look happy. I walked over as Ashley was trying to ask her what she wanted to drink, "Hey Meg."

She shook her head and said coldly, "Lauren." Ashley looked confused since she knew she had already met my girlfriend. I leaned over the bar to give her a hug, "Meg, this is Ashley today is her first day. Ashley this is Megan, Vic's better half." Meg nodded but was still throwing daggers, "Don't try and butter me up Laur."

Ashley looked at me and I mouthed 'chaos'. She smiled and went to help someone else. I poured Megan a drink and passed it across the bar. "What's up Meg?"

She took the drink but tilted her head at me. "Come on Laur, you know I saw you. What if it had been V?"

It almost made me laugh, she knew just as well as anyone else that Vanessa had never shown any real jealously with me. Maybe it's because she never thought I would cheat on her because she knew how amazing  I think she is so she didn't feel threatened. But the fact that Megan would think that I would do something to risk my relationship with Vanessa kind of pissed me off. "I don't know what to tell you Meg, we were just talking. And you know that V doesn't give a shit, when has she ever acted jealous?"

She started shaking her head like she was going to say something but before she got the chance a set of arms wrapped around her. She didn't have to turn around to know who they belonged to. Vic had a smile on her face but when she and I made eye contact she knew that she had just walked into something.

Without saying anything she was asking me what was up with her eyes and I was irritated so all I could say was, "Ask your wife." I walked away before either of them could say anything else and decided I was going to take a walk upstairs. I walked passed Ashley as I left the bar and she looked like she wanted to say something but decided against it.

I went upstairs to get away from the crazy and it would allow me to sit down and not have to talk to anyone. I could only imagine the conversation I was going to have to have with Vic later. I know that Megan and Vanessa are friends but I was still surprised to hear her say anything about what very little she saw.

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now