Chapter Twenty Six

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I was sitting in the parking lot of the drive bar that Nathan owned staring at my phone that hadn't stopped ringing since I left the Chaos. Both Ashley and Vic were texting and calling and I hadn't answered a single message. Instead I sat staring at this hole in the wall bar that Nathan owned. It didn't look very busy and last call was coming soon, because we had closed early I was able to get here before the bar closed. My phone went off again and I scroll through the messages.

A: "Babe, please don't do this."

A: "He's dangerous."

A: "I can't lose you."

A: "Please come home. I love you."

V: "Dude, wtf, get back here."

V: "Ash is freaking out, get back here."

V: "Ok seriously James you've got us worried."

I was tempted to text them back but if I stopped to talk to them I would lose my nerve and not do this. I put my phone in my pocket and shut of my car. I took a deep breath and made my way to the door of the bar. When I walked in all eyes were on me, there weren't many people there and they definitely looked like the regular crowd that probably never left their stools. Not knowing what Nathan looked like I walked up to the bartender and asked if he was here.

He eyed me curiously, "And who should I tell him is looking?"

I looked down the bar and the guys at the end were watching intently but I was sure that neither of them was him. I looked back to the moron behind the bar, "Lauren, he'll know what it's about."

His eyes went up, clearly recognizing my name and walked away. My heart was racing and I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, they were definitely persistent and if Vic didn't know that I needed her to take care of Ash, I knew she would be standing here next to me.

I was leaning on the bar waiting and when the bartender came back, behind him was a creepy looking fucker. He pretty much looked how I expected him to, he was your typical dirt bag who thought that he was the guy that all women should want. Just looking at him made me want to kill him knowing that he had his hands on Ashley, that he touched her when she didn't want to be. I took another deep breath in order to try and keep composure as he approached me.

He had a smug look on his face when he leaned on his side of the bar, "What can I do for your doll face." I was one to use pet names for the women in my life, 'beautiful', 'love', 'gorgeous', but there was something about the way he said "doll face" made my skin crawl.

"Look you son of a bitch," ok it was probably over the top but I was seeing red. He didn't change the smug look on his face because he knew that he was under my skin. "First you come into my bar after everything you've done to her and then you have the nerve to send your little fucking drug dealer in to cause problems." I pointed at him across the bar and he just looked amused, "Stay the fuck away from her and from my bar or we are going to have a problem," I turned around and walked towards the door and halfway expected to to feel him grab my arm and start telling me how he will do anything he wants to. But I got out the door and was able to get in my car, when I did I put my hands on the steering wheel and could visibly see them shaking.

I started driving away and knew that I had taken a huge risk but I just couldn't let this keep happening without doing anything. I was completely fed up with waiting for the something to get this fucker out of my life. I was far enough away and started breathing normally again, when I got to a light I pulled out my phone and sent a couple of texts.

"On my way home baby."

"I'm good Vic, on my way home."

I'm sure that they were going to be pissed at me but I hoped that they would just be happy that I'm safe. I didn't know what I was going to tell Ashley. Nothing really happened but I knew that she was going to be worried about Nathan retaliating. I was sure that he wasn't just going to take my threat laying down, but in that moment I just wanted to put an end to it all.

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now