Chapter Twenty Nine

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The morning came pretty quickly but that could be because I slept most of the night away. I was still pretty exhausted and I knew that today was going to be a long day. If I was going to get Ash and Vic to let me out of the house to help then I needed to get as much rest as I could so they didn't know how much pain I was really in.

Ashley was currently packing up my stuff, not that I wanted to keep the clothes I was wearing but she had my jewelry thankfully because I felt naked without it. "You ready to get out of here baby?" she asked grabbing the bag and tossing it to Vic who was standing at the door. I nodded and started to move off the bed. "Wait," she came running over to help me up.

"Babe, I'm ok really I can sit up." She pulled back and looked hurt that I didn't want her to help me. "Come here," I said when I was standing and wrapped my arm around her back so she could help me walk towards the door. I really could do it myself but she felt better that she was helping and who was I to prevent her from feeling that. "Let's go home."

Ashley and I walked in the door of the house and I didn't know how to feel. I was so happy to be in the comfort of my own home but at the same time being at the hospital made me feel safe. I knew that he was gone but right now I wasn't able to protect myself or her so being here gave me a little bit of anxiety.

"Come on baby, let's go lay down," Ashley wrapped her arms around me and leaned in and kissed me. She smiled at me and I instantly felt better.

"Can we sit on the couch? I've been laying down for three days." She gave me that look that said Lauuurrr, but I spoke before she could. "Babe I promise I'll relax I just want to sit on the couch with you."

She couldn't say no knowing that it was hard enough for me to not be able to do normal things in the first place. We sat down and she put on a movie and curled into my side. Luckily, if any of this is luck, my ribs were only broken on the one side so it didn't hurt too much to have her there.

We had about 4 hours before we had to get ready for Vic's proposal and I had already got 20 texts from Vic freaking out.

V: "Do you think she'll like it?"

V: "What if she says no?"

V: "Maybe we should go somewhere else?"

V: "What if she doesn't react the way we hope?"

V: "You really shouldn't leave the house we can do this another day."

I was shaking my head at my phone when Ash was coming back from the kitchen with something to drink. "What are you shaking your head at?" She asked as sat down beside me.

"Look," I said turning my phone to her and she started laughing. "Wow she really is nervous isn't she?"

I nodded. Vic was freaking out and it was semi entertaining. While Ash and I were laughing about it I got another three messages.

V: "Are you seriously not going to answer me?"

V: "Seriously James I know you are seeing these messages."

V: "Stop laughing at me."

We were both laughing pretty hard now and I didn't care how much it hurt. "Alright I should put her out of her misery."

"First, she's going to love it."

"Second, she loves you she will never say no."

"Third, I'm fine. Don't use me as an excuse asshole."

"Lastly, we had to stop laughing before I could answer."

"Now will you fucking relax, it is going to be perfect. I will text you when I get there. See you in a few hours."

Chaos (Convict of Interest Sequel) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now