Chapter Three:

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When I finished my chores it was nearly night time. I quickly ran to Ivar's fortress.

It was a quiet night. Slaves, and servants were cleaning the room. I awkwardly tiptoed into the main room.

Margrethe gave me a brief smile. "Ivar is in his room." She said gently.

"Thank you." I replied quickly as I picked up my paced.

I could hear servants whispering behind me, but I just pretended not to notice.

I happily went to his door and did a rhythmic knock. He hollered for me to come in, he clearly knew it was me- who else was this obnoxious.

He was sitting at the edge of his bed, taking off his boots.

"What are you doing here this late?" He asked in a tired voice.

"I didn't realize how late it was, I'm sorry." I said softly.

"I'm actually happy you're here." He said softly... He never spoke softly. I reckoned that whatever he was going to say next was going to end with me in tears, or angry. "Have a seat." He gestured beside him.

I shut the door and followed his instructions. He tried to harden his face, but failed when he looked at my face.

He sighed, starting to feel frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm leaving." He finally answered.


"... My father asked if I wanted to join him on his raid, and I said yes." I stood up, I could feel the stinging of tears rising up within me. "Halfrid?"

I turned to face him with large tears in my eyes. "No, you can't go! If you leave... I'm alone." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and put my face in the crevice of his neck. He hesitated but put his arms around me. I don't hug him regularly, he never let me... until now. "I can't lose you too."

"Please stop crying. I'll come back." He said, making me look up at him. He had a smile on his face. "When I do, I'll bring you English gold, and an expensive dress with jewels on it. It'll be so heavy you won't he able to move."

I chuckled. "I don't need anything, but you coming back in one piece."

"I'll miss you." He admitted.

"I'll miss you too." I couldn't help but start sobbing again. "I'll think about you everyday."

He seemed uncomfortable by our intimate moment, but it felt good to know he cared about me too. To know he wasn't entirely heartless.

"Stop crying." He said a bit more rough. "I'll be okay. We'll both be alright."

"Ragnar better take good care of you, or I'll kill him."

He laughed. "You couldn't even kill me."

"Of course not, you're too quick."

I laid my forehead on his for what felt like forever.

I left the fortress with tears staining my face.

Before Bjorn's expedition, Aslaug and Lagertha performed a sacrifice for Bjorn and Hvitserk's safe travels.

My father had us all join. There was a large bowl full with blood that people drank from.

I watched Ivar tip the bowl into his mouth, taking large gulps of blood.

I hated to see my family, and Ivar, because I knew it was the last time for a while.

I sat next to Ivar with his blood soaked face. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I want you to have something." I lifted my head to hand him a bracelet, with one small metal disk with my initial. "So you don't forget me, just in case you're gone for awhile."

He took it and looked at it for a moment before putting it in his pocket.

People started to drink, and I watched my father hug one of his friends.

I saw in the corner of my eye, Ragnar... staring at us. His eyes burned into my skin.

Ivar didn't seem to notice, or care.

Later that night I went up to Hvitserk. He was nearly drunk, and in a very happy mood.

"Hello, Halfrid!" He said gleefully.

"Hello, I just wanted to wish you luck on your voyage to the Mediterranean." I said kindly.

"I don't need luck, we'll be beside your father." He said lightheartedly.

I looked over at my father who was larger than any man, and his muscles wider than a cow thigh.

I never really noticed how my father was muscular until he was next to a normal man, or even the other warriors.

How odd it is for me to be so small while my family were giant.

"I suppose you're right." I replied.

He got suddenly serious, his expressions changed so quickly with the help of alcohol. He grabbed my hands in a manner he never done before. "You don't have to worry about your father or even Calder, they are strong men. They'll be fine, you must realize they're fantastic fighters and not just your family. They are fierce on the battlefield."

I nodded my head. "You're right. It's just hard to picture them in that light."

He did something I didn't expect, he kissed my forehead. I supposed it was just because he was drunk.

The next morning I hugged my brother and father goodbye.

Then it was time to say goodbye to Ivar.

I watched his mother walking away in tears. I walked up to him, he was leaning on a large rock.

He smiled big when he saw me. "One last goodbye?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied trying to stay strong.

I fell to my knees and hugged him close. He was squeezing back, and he didn't seem to want to let go.

"Maybe it's time to make more friends." He teased.

I snorted. "No one wants to hang out with the girl who spends her time with a crazy cripple."

He smiled, and playfully moved my head away.

I knew I had to let him go, it was just so hard.

I didn't want to see him leave, I stayed at my house, sitting at the empty dining table, whimpering.

Weaknesses Can Be Strengths (Ivar The Boneless Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now