Chapter 25

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"Well I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me." He said.

"Yes Hunter. I will go on a date with you." I said.

"I will text you the details later then." He said.

"Okay. I will talk to you later." I said to him.

"Talk to you later beautiful." He said. Then we hanged up. I fell onto my bed smiling. I can't wait to see where this takes me.

I wake up the next day. I got ready for the next day. I walked into school with a huge smile on my face. I walked to my locker to see Ryder, Jake, and Marley standing there.

"What is my pleasure to have all you around my locker? Where Unique?" I asked them.

"I am here. What is up?" Unique said coming up to us.

"That is what I was going to ask. What are you doing here?" I asked them.

"We need to talk." Jake said.

"Is this really what I think it is?" I asked.

"Kitty, we are your friends and we care about you. Also we don't want this glee club to have trouble." Jake said.

"You told him Ryder. I thought you were my friend. If you have a problem. Don't go running to them because you are too scared to talk me about it." I said.

"Wait what is going on? Unique and I are so confused." Marley said.

"It is about me dating someone not from this school or club. But guess what Jake and Ryder. He asked me out last night and I said yes. So deal with it. This is not the past. This is the present. The future is a head of me." I said.

"Are you kidding me?" Unique said.

"No. I don't know what is wrong with them." I said.

"You guys are be horrible. If Kitty is happy. Then we be happy from her. If she wants to date someone not from our school or club. Then that is okay." Marley said.

The bell rang and I quickly got what I needed. I walked away from them. I pulled out my phone to see a text. I opened it. It was from Hunter.

Hey beautiful. So tomorrow night. I was thinking dinner at 7 pm.

Sounds good. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Me either. Do you want me to pick you up after school?

Yeah that sounds great

Okay I will talk to you later

Later to you later

I have a free block. I walked the hallways. I saw Marley. I walked up to her.

"Hey." I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I am fine. I have a date with Hunter tomorrow at seven. He is also picking me up after practice. I am also going to text him later." I said.

"I am not like the Jake and Ryder. I am happy for you." She said.

"Thanks. At less I have someone on my side." I said.

"You have me and Unique." She said.

The day went by fast and it is lunch. I walked into the cafeteria to see where everyone is. I walked to the line to get food. I then walked to the table.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Yo Kitty." TJ said.

"So this week. I have to ask. What is everyone doing?" Luis asked.

"I might not do this week." I said.

"Hey." Unique said sitting down with Marley.

"What Jake and Ryder don't want to sit with us?" I asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen neither of them. But I don't think they will be showing their faces." Unique said.

"Why? What is going on?" TJ asked us.

"They are just being weirder." I said.

We eat our lunch and talked. Our other class went by fast. It is glee now. I walked down the hallway to the glee room.

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