Chapter 11

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Vera's POV

"Colin, what are you doing here?" I ask, trying my best to hide the nervousness in my voice. I can't maintain eye contact with him, he makes every part of me so uneasy.

            "I need a ride home," Colin says. I stand in front of him hand on my hip, surveying the parking lot.

            "You out of all people need a ride home?"

 Colin nods casually, putting his phone into his pocket. I roll my eyes. Now he's being ridiculous. I know he has like five cars parked somewhere in a garage. What the hell is he getting at?

            "Fine," I say hesitantly, unlocking the car doors. I immediately feel embarrassed when memories of me vomiting all over his red jacket come to mind. This is going to be one awkward ride. When we both get into the car I adjust the rearview mirror, starting the ignition.

            "How did you like the practice?" he asks quietly. I grip the steering wheel a little too tightly.

            "It was nice," I say quickly. I have no idea how to approach the last night he saw me, so I decide it's best to come right out and clear the air. "Look, I completely apologize for the way I behaved when you saw me last. That is not the usual, and I'm very.....sorry...that you had to witness that. And I'm so sorry for your jacket! And your clothes—" the words all pour out into a jumbled mess and Colin interrupts me before I can finish.

            "I like you when you're drunk," he smiles, his eyes misty with that soft gaze. He bites his lip, catching my eye in the rearview mirror. 

Thirst trap.

I feel a shiver in my spine as I quickly avert my eyes to the road. This beautiful man is actually in my car. And he just said he likes it when I 'm drunk. Cameron's voice comes back into my head at that moment. I'd just hate to see a sweet girl like you get played on the field. How many times has he asked for a ride home from other girls this way?

            "So, where exactly am I headed?" I ask. Colin sits up in his seat, his knees against the dashboard.

            "How do I adjust the seat?" he asks, laughing. I motion under the seat and he finds the lever to pull it back.

            "Sorry, I don't usually have huge quarterbacks riding around in my car," I laugh. I feel his eyes on me as I pull up to the stoplight by the stadium.

            "I'm the first?" he asks. I nod.

                        "I don't have any guys in my car Colin, come on now. I'm the last person who would have any guy in my car," for some reason the thought is amusing. Guys aren't usually attracted to me. They usually go straight for Leah, and I'm barely an after thought. 

            "I don't understand why," he says quietly. I feel my face redden under the sun. "Go ahead and take a right, go all the way down and get back on the freeway. I'll show you what exit to take," he says.

            As soon as we hit the freeway I turn and see he's sleeping.

I follow the directions on Google maps, which Colin had pulled up on his phone. When we reach our destination, I pull up to a beautiful gated property.

            "Colin," I say softly, tapping his arm. Jerking awake, Colin sits up to see where we are. He motions for me to put my window down next to the keypad by the gate.

            "89567 enter," he says sleepily. I press in the numbers, shocked that he would give me something as personal as the code to get into his house. I drive up along a road that lead to his driveway. The house is absolutely beautiful. A brick home with two stories, a two-door garage, and a basketball court is visible from the backyard. There are two lamborghinis parked in the driveway. Damn. Is it really necessary to have two such expensive cars?

            "Thank you for the ride," he smiles. "Aren't you going to park?" he asks. I feel my palms begin to sweat.

            "Park? Why? I thought I was just dropping you off?" I say quickly. Colin stretches, his long arms blocked by the small confined space of my tiny car.

            "Come, I'll make you dinner," he says firmly. I hesitate before pulling up next to the black jaguar. He is so persuasive, firm, and in only a few words. I can't bring myself to say no. I put the car in park and get out before he does.

            "Your house is so beautiful," I say, marveling at the expanse of green grass. It seems like a home that a family would have, not a rich bachelor.

                        "It's a place to lay my head. Sometimes I prefer to stay at the apartment," he shrugs.

            "You have an apartment too?" I exclaim. His eyebrows raise. Colin leads me through the driveway, his hands stroking the cars as we pass.

            "Nice cars," I say, as we walk along a stone pathway to the front door. Colin swiftly opens the entrance, holding it open for me. I stand at the doorway, hesitating for a second.

            "I promise, I don't bite," he smirks. I look up into his brown eyes, feeling a rush fall over me. The better part of me is trying to pull me back to the car, to drive home, to make dinner and take part in meaningless banter with Leah. Another side of me wants to stay, and get to know this man better. I walk in as Colin closes the door behind me.

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