I Will Find You

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"The war is ended, my friends," I said solemnly, my heart still felt like it's been ripped in two. I stood and looked over the destruction left in Grima's wake. His body was now nothing but a skeleton. "Never again will the fell dragon trouble our world. I owe you all far more than words can ever repay. Especially Anna, who gave herself to save us all..." It hurt. It hurt me so much to say that. "To save all the worlds to come."

Am I selfish? Am I a fool to think that I would have wanted to land the final blow on Grima just so Anna could stay in this world?

Lissa hugged me tightly and cried. "P-poor Anna..." she sobbed. "After everything she did for us..."

I hugged her back and tried to hide my tears by crying into her hair. I composed myself and took a breath. "Don't cry, Lissa. We'll see her again. I'm sure of it," I said. "Remember what Naga said? That Anna would survive if our ties were strong enough?" Please... Please be right, Naga... I can't live without her... "This isn't over. I believe Anna is out there...somewhere... And I'll find her. If it takes me the rest of my days. I'll find her..." And I mean it. I will search forever. I won't stop for a second. I WILL find my beloved Anna...

Lissa released me and nodded. "You're right! She has to be out there somewhere... And we'll find a way to bring her home," she declared. "Even if we have to search ever open field in this whole stupid world!"

Frederick bowed his head. "I believe the same, my prince," he agreed. "Anna is too strong to simply disappear. It falls to us to look after the realm until she returns,"

Sully laughed and stepped forward. "Anna had damn well BETTER come back! If that blasted dragon truly got her, I'll be the one breathing fire!"

"I can feel it, too. Anna is out there waiting for us," Stahl smiled. "Though I surely will miss her in the meantime..."

Sumia leaned onto Frederick and wiped away her tears. "I wish she could have stayed with is long enough to see me grow stronger..." she muttered. "But all the more reason to work hard between now and her return!"

Lon'qu linked arms with Lissa and kissed her head. "...She lives. I know it," he said. "Some people just aren't the dying sort."

Ricken nodded enthusiastically. "If Chrom believes she's all right, then so do I!" he chimed. "Maybe I can work out some new magic to bring her home..."

Maribelle flipped one of her yellow locks. "If she returns to us, I might even consider making her tea. ...Myself," she said. "Do you hear that, Anna?! ME, making TEA! You should be honored!"

Cordelia nodded and looked up at the sky. "Too many times now have I watched loved ones give their lives for me..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I must hold on to faith that this time will be different."

Nowi hugged her husband, Gregor, tightly and sobbed. "Anna's not gone! She's just...misplaced! I'll wait a thousand years for her if I have to!" she cried.

Tharja gripped her dark magic tome tightly and looked down to hide her tears. "She had better march back here and try again! I only send people off on my terms! ...Or in a casket."

"Hey, Anna, everyone's dying to see you alive. We're sick to death of death!" Henry jested. "That reminds me of a good one: two Risen, a wyvern, and a priest walk into a bar-"

Lucina gripped the hilt of Falchion and cried. "We have won our future, but we are in debt to so many sad memories..." she breathed. "I pray at least one of those sadnesses will yet be undone."

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