"Uh, bye guys." She flashed the others a smile before her eyes landed on mine. "See you soon?" She asked, biting her lip. Does she not realise what that does to me? One innocent little act like that gets me all hot under the collar and she doesn't realise, not a single bit.

"Yeah, soon." I murmured. We continued to stare at each other, not really sure what to do next.

"What are you guys waiting for?" Harry sighed, jumping out of his seat.

"What?" The word escaped my lips as Harry placed one hand behind my head and one behind Scarlett's.

"Just kiss already." He laughed whilst pushing our heads together. Scarlett was doing her best not to laugh like me, my eyes connected with hers right before our lips met for the last time, for now. I wanted to savour every minute of the kiss, to never let go, to have Scarlett remain in my arms forever but there's always something stopping us. "Okay that's enough, we don't want things getting R rated." Harry joked, dividing us in two again.

"I'll miss you." I admitted, resting my forehead against hers.

"I'll miss you too." She replied before my lips made brief contact with hers again, after that she was already exiting the car. There goes my Scarlett.

Scarlett's POV

"That everything?" Maria asked, looking around the car making sure nothing was left behind.

"I think so." I replied, not even looking at her. The car door slid shut, I could barely see through the tinted glass windows but Louis' face appeared pressed up against the pane. I couldn't help but chuckle. I walked back towards the car, I was only stood three feet away in the first place but everything felt so dramatic. My hand pressed up against the outside of the window, Louis copied my actions and joined our hands with the only exception of a glass pane between us. I waved to the others in the back seats, although Harry had already occupied my seat next to Louis. I smiled at them all, a genuine smile before the car pulled away and my arm was left hanging in the air, leaning against nothing. I watched it drive off into the distance, I couldn't help wave as it drove off but they were already too far in the distance to see.

"Right, we have a plane to catch." Maria beamed as she grabbed onto my arm, pulling me towards the building I swore to never enter again.

"How are you so lively in the morning?" I joked.

"Coffee, lots and lots of coffee."

"I should try that sometime."

"Works wonders. You have your passport right?"

"Sure do, you have the tickets right?"

"I thought you had the tickets?" She asked seriously, grinding to a halt in the middle of the airport. My eyes went wide, panic was almost kicking in.

"What? No?! You had the tickets!" I exclaimed, rummaging through my bag in a manic state.

"I'm kidding, course I have the tickets!" She laughed, not even trying to hold it in.

"Don't do that!"

"Your face!"

"I thought you were being serious. This is why I don't get up at four in the morning, I don't function properly."

"Ooo quickly there's no line!" She literally dragged me over to the check in desk. Over the past couple of days I had learnt Maria was very out spoken, bubbly and full of life. She could talk for hours without taking a breath and she knows everything about everything, it's slightly creepy. Every so often she will state the most random facts you wouldn't ever dream of knowing. But she's certainly someone I get along with, she didn't have a bitchy side, she wasn't mean and she didn't judge people, she was my sort of friend. Even though she was my manager she was only twenty five, most people presume someone with a high ranking job are over fifty or something, but age has nothing to do with whether you are capable of the job and from what I've heard about Maria's experiences, she seems very capable.

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