Chapter 22.

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Scarlett's POV

"Good to see you again Scarlett." The emphasis on my name made my skin crawl, her tone of voice had an evil hint to it. I couldn't even look at her, her glare was making me feel on edge.

"Harry?" I asked quietly, trying to get his attention. His eyes landed on mine after he removed them from the floor. I didn't know how to phrase what I wanted to say or what I wanted to say, Harry was my best friend, I couldn't say anything harsh but what else was there to say?

"Scarlett." Louis whispered into my ear, I guess as a sort of warning saying; don't say anything you'll regret. My eyes scanned over Taylor, she still looked the same although her choice of clothing surprised me a little, she was normally a well-respected girl but her attire today would show otherwise. Her skirt was practically a belt, her vest top was riding far too low and the knee length boots didn't do anything for the look. What the heck happened to her after I left?

"Harry, how did this happen?" I tried to ask sounding sincere and not what I was actually feeling.

"It's a long story." He replied, scratching the back of his neck. I noticed how the others still remained completely silent, I wondered what was running through their heads right now. They probably didn't have a problem with Taylor like I did, she kicked me out and tried to convince me I would get pregnant without her babysitting me.

"I'm listening." I spoke, sitting on the arm of the sofa as Harry pulled Taylor towards the opposite recliner. I tried to notice anything awkward or unnatural about their relationship, maybe they were pulling my leg, Harry's good at the fake dating thing, he's had practice. But everything seemed so natural, she didn't scowl at him once, not even when his arms linked round her waist pulling her onto his lap. Everyone else sat down, Niall couldn't help but fidget but that was normal behaviour, although he looked slightly more agitated than normal. Zayn had a poker face look, his features showed no emotion, Liam looked as if something in the fireplace was extremely interesting and he couldn't bear to tear his eyes away, Louis, Louis looked shocked but there was a hint of sadness revolving around his face. I took a sharp gasp of air in, waiting for the story of how my best friend is dating my ex roommate.

"You're not mad are you?" Harry asked, he sounded worried as his green eyes penetrated through my crystal blue ones.

"I don't believe that's how stories start." I retorted.

"Still sarcastic I see?" Taylor's voice rippled through my ears. My finger nails began digging into the palms of my hands as I tried to control my annoyance. I offered her a stifle smile and pointed my eyes back at Harry.

"Well, Taylor gave me her number the first time we went round to your house..." He mumbled, not looking confident with his answer.

"Why?" I asked.

"We didn't have your number, we needed to get in contact with someone about Zack and everything."

"Wait, by we you mean you and Louis?"


"Why didn't you just get my number?"

"Scarlett, would you have seriously have given us your number? You hated Louis."

"No." I mumbled, realising I wouldn't have given them my number. "So then what?"

"We got talking, we had things in common and things went from there."

"Why did you keep it a secret?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice at a stable level but it was wavering, trying to leap into an angry tone. I didn't want to be angry at Harry but he knows what Taylor is like, I didn't understand the concept of them being together.

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