Chapter Twenty

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Draevyn's POV

What are you doing? I asked myself. Sure you say 'I love you.', no big deal. But this?

"I just want to thank you for helping me." I said. I didn't use the word "saving" because I didn't want to admit that I couldn't of stopped Collin even if I had the superpower of great strength. Sure, I love Fred and all, but I still want to be a little independent.

"No problem." he replied smiling. "I just hope that your brother goes easy on me next time he sees me. He still doesn't like me being you friend let alone something more serious than that."

I thought about it. Scorpius was a little too hard on Fred, and all the Weasleys for that matter. Since Scorpius was with Lily, he only thought of her as a human and not an animal with the name of Potter. A new question came to mind.

"How did you know to come on the balcony in the first place?" I asked. "You couldn't see me and Collin at any vantage point."

"Well," he averted eye contact, "when you two went out of sight and then I didn't see you for awhile, I got worried. I thought maybe something bad had happened, and I was right."

I let the thought sink in and then had a weird accusation. "So, in other words, you watch me non stop." I was angry before he could reply.


"Damn it Fred! You can't just follow me around like a lost puppy! I know you're trying to make sure that I don't get hurt or anything, but I can handle somethings without you!"

"Yeah, like you handled Collin?" Fred replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "I said somethings! Not everything!"

"I know you can Drae, but believe it or not, your the best thing in my life right now!" I saw his eyes start to water.

Oh god, plaese don't cry. I pleaded in the back of my mind. "Fred... I'm sorry."

He wiped his eyes. "Don't be."

I walked towards him and tried to kiss him, but our masks were in the way. Our noses bumped into each other and we laughed. We took them off and then resumed. I wanted it to go on forever, but the problem was, I was tired. Too much had happened tonight and it was taking a toll on me. Apparently, Fred saw this.

"Tired?" Fred asked smiling.

I yawned as if on cue. "A little."

He laughed. "Come on." He took my hand and led me to my room. Without thinking, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. "G' night beautiful," were the last words I heard before falling into a deep sleep.

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