Chapter Two

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When we got off, Rubius Hagrid, with his greying beard, took all of the first years to the boats. The rest of the students went to the carriages. I boarded a carriage with Brayzia, Anna, and Molly. I looked at the other carriages. Scorpius, being head boy was in the first carriages with the other head boys, and in the very last carriage was Ty and his friends.

"Wait!" I boy with fiery red hair carrying two trunks yelled at Ty's carriage. "Wait!" It was a long way to the castle, walking would be hard even for track stars. 

Ty and his friends just laughed and pointed. I then remembered, he was Fred Weasley, named after his uncle who died in the war. 

"Wait!' he yelled again. Ty still laughed. 

I sighed. "I'll see you guys at the Hall. Kay?" I jumped off the black carriage and walked over to Fred. He was hunched over, winded from running. 

Ty and his friends stopped laughing. "What are you doing?" He asked. Sometimes he was so dense. I didn't answer him. He wouldn't like it, but I was helping a Weasley. I picked up the second trunk and god was it heavy. I'm surprised he made it as far as he did with the two of them. 

He looked up and was surprised. "Why are you helping me?" He asked puzzled. 

I looked him in the eye. "Because I can't stand watching someone as innocent as you get treated like a freak." 

He laughed. "How do you know I'm innocent?" Fred asked amused. 

"I just know, Fred Weasley." I retorted.

"You just think you know..." His sentence wandered. "What's your name?" Fred asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked. I knew the answer but I wanted him to tell me.

He thought for a while. "Because I want to know the name of the girl who helped me." he said sweetly.

"Draevyn Malfoy." I stuck out my hand so he could shake it but Fred was hesitant.

"Malfoy?" He asked in disbelief. 

"Yes Malfoy. Is that a problem?" I asked.

His eyes widened. "No no no. Not at all. It's just that I never thought in a million years a Malfoy would help me." 

I knew my facial expression changed. "What's so bad about me that I wouldn't help you?" 

"Nothing!" He yelled.

"Good! Now can we walk a little faster I want to get to Hogwarts as quickly as possible."

"What do you have a boyfriend to get to?" He teased.

I looked at him crossly. "Yes, I do. He was the one that was laughing at you with his friends."

Fred raised his eyebrows. "Yeesh. Your going to have something to talk about."

I was confused. "Why?"

He made a face. "I don;t know. I'm just saying, if my girlfriend helped the guy that I was bullying, then I would have something to talk to her about."


 I quickened my pace. It was funny seeing him try to keep up. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him. 

Finally we got to the entrance. "Thanks a lot." He said. I handed him his trunk and walked into the Hall and sat down with Molly, Anna, and Brayzia. And we started to talk.

"Why did you help the Weasley boy?" Molly asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Brayzia said.

"Because I can't stand watching someone as innocent as that be treated that way. Even if it was Ty doing it." I said gesturing and pointing to Fred. "By the way, where is Ty?" 

They all looked at each other. "He got mad after you went to go help the Weasley boy. I think he's really pissed off that you didn't answer you." Anna whispered to me like it was a big secret.

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously! Where is he now?" I asked her.

Anna looked around. "I don't know. Maybe you should talk to him after we're done with dinner." 

I took her advice and started eating. I loved the feasts. I always ate everything I could. My favorite thing to eat was the pudding. It was heaven.

After the feast we made our way to Slytherin quarters. And I saw Ty go into his room as fast as he could. I decided to follow him.

I opened his door and slipped in so he didn't notice me. He was facing a wall for some reason. I walked over to his bed and sat down. 

"Hey." I whispered getting his attemtion. Ty turned and faced me. "Are you mad?" I asked.

He sighed at sat down next to me. "You know that I can never be mad at you." 

"Good 'cause I don't want you to." I leaned in and kissed him. 

Ty broke away. "You better get back."

"Kay. Bye."

I was already tired enough to go to bed and sleep 'til morning, which I was tempted to do. I would need sleep so I could wake up early enough for classes. Finally I decided to go to my room and take a nap but I actually ended up falling asleep.

Why Did You Have to be a Weasley? (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now