Chapter Twelve

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"Oh yes. Whenever your ready." I replied shyly.

Manny flicked his wand. "Noto!" A crackling sound came from the wand's tip. "Now first question. How do you feel being in this tournament, given what happened last time?"

I pondered it. "Well, given the circumstances, people have died before in the tournament, what difference would it make. Voldemort's dead, for good. Why should we worry about a reaccurence?" 

Manny seemed baffled. "You're absolutely right! How did you decide on putting your name in the Goblet? It must of took great courage."

"Uh. This might sound weird but, I did it because Florin asked me to." I replied hesitantly. 

"Perfect." He countered. "How do you think that your family feels?"

"That's easy. Dad's proud. Mom's worried. And Scropius excited to see me go."

Manny guffawed with laughter. "Great. Your better than Clarice. Now one last question. Is there a boy-"

I interrupted before he could finish. "This interview is over." I started walking to the door.

"Wait!" He yelled after me. I slammed the door in his face and walked right pass Florin.

"Draevyn! Wait up!" Florin got up and started to my way too. Given the fact that my father hates to be late, I have a very quick pace about me.

Manny was winded halfway through the room, but Florin kept up. "Draevyn-"

"Leave me alone!" I shouted as I turned on my heels.

"Draevyn-" He started but I cut him off.

"I said leave me alone!"

Florin was getting cocky and a little stubborn. "Dr-"

"Hey! She said leave her alone!" I looked over to where the voice was coming from. Fred jumped down from a tree and started to walk over to Florin. 

Florin scoffed. "Yeah? And what happens when I don't?" He questioned.

Fred replied with a swift punch to the nose. Scorpius and some of his friends came down the walk. Scorpius saw the scene unfold. He started jogging towards me. "Oh great." I muttered.

Florin got up holding his nose. "What's the matter Drae?" He asked. Before I could answer he looked and saw Fred. "I don't think my sister needs you standing up for her, Weasley." 

"I. Forget it." Fred walked away with a scowl on his face. 

Scorpius went back to me. "Drae?"

I signalled for him to come down to my level so I could whisper in his ear. "Florin tried to... you know. He kissed me and wanted more. And now he won't leave me alone." 

When Scorpius lifted his head he smiled. I didn't know why. "Hey Florin, let me fix your nose."

"Oh, thank you." Florin removed his hands for Scorpius. 

"Nothing to it." Scorpius replied. Scorpius punched Florin in the face so that his nose was literally facing the other way. "Come on Drae." Scorpius put his arm across my shoulder and we walked away leaving Florin in pain.

"Thanks Scorpie." I said. Leaning my head against him. 

"Nothing to it." He replied. "You know I might have to do that to Weasley if he keeps hanging around you." 

I lifted my head from it's postion. "No. Don't. He doesn't mean any harm. He's just trying to be nice." 

Scorpius raised his eyebrows. "You sure?" He asked.


"Okay. Whatever you want." He replied.

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