Chapter Nine

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A message went over the announcer. "We will be arriving in Durmstrang in less than ten minutes." 

Thank God. I thought. Since I was single I could go for some Durmstrang boys now. 

Molly and Anna came in the room. "Wow, is that your dress?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. In the making." I said, "I took awhile. I had to change the fabric a million times." 

"Wow. You did good." said Molly awestruck. It made me feel accomplished. 

"So, what should we do before we dock?" I asked them.

"Get ready, duh." Molly replied instantly. She made me laugh.

Durmstrang seemed dark and dangerous the way that it was dimly lit. There were symbols carked into the sides of the school and in the walls. Molly and Anna got closer to me with every step and I held Molly's hand. 

On top of eberything. It was super cold. I guess I was right to pack my winter coat. Maybe that was why all of the Durmstrang boys always wore fur hats and coats.

"Everybody ready for our enterance?" Asked Mrs. Macgonagal. 

Before we could reply the huge doors swang open and we made our way into the hall. There were many tables in the hall and a circular table in the middle where the teachers sat. I looked around and saw many Beauxbaton girls and Durmstrang boys. The Beaxbatons were in their satin blue uniforms and oddly shaped hats. 

Molly and Anna had left me to sit with Brayzia, so I sat in the nearest table.

My mistake.

There were many Durmstrang boys and only five other Hogwarts students. The boy neat to me made a statement.

"Don't be afraid of them." He whispered in my ear. "I'll protect you."

I returned a whisper. "And you think I need protecting?" I asked back.

"Well. You are a fairy princess." He said in a Romanian accent that made my heart melt.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm as much of a fairy princess as you." Apparently the other boys heard and made "OOO" noises after my comment.

"My name is Florin Peticot. You?"

"Draevyn Malfoy." 

His green eyes widened. "A Malfoy, a Gryffindor? That's-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all. The Sorting Hat made a mistake. So yes, I'm a Gryffindor. Now shut up, Karkaroff is talking."

Karkaroff stood up. "Thank you all for joining us for this wonderful occasion. Durmstrang has been asked by the Minisrty of Magic to host the Triwizard Tournament, and we couldn't be happier." Karkaroff managed a smile. The hall doors opened and four men carried a golden box. The sat in down on the rounded table.

The box shook and melted to reveal a huge stone cup. After the box dissolved, blue flames arose.

"The Golbet of Fire. Simply put your name on a piece of parchment and cast it into the flames by this hour before Thursday. From this moment forward, the Triwizard Tournament, has begun."

A man stood up. His hair was graying and he wore heavy black robes. "Do to what happened in the last Tournament, extra measures a being taken. To put forth your name, you must be at least sixteen. And remember. Once your chosen, there's no turning back." The man sat down. 

With that, food appeared on the table and the Durmstrang boys started to wolf down food.

"Disgusting," I whispered.

Florin heard me. "Guys! We're in the presence of a lady. Mind your manners." 

Most of the boys sat up and used their forks and knives to eat.

I turned to Florin. "Thank you. I mean, I'm used to guys eating like pigs. Mostly my brother. But nothing like that."

"No porblem milady." He replied. I felt my cheeks get hot and I smiled.

"So Florin, are you going to enter your name?" I asked.

Florin looked up from his food. "Of course. Most Durmstrang boys of age are. Are you?" 

I pondered the thought. "Mm. Maybe. I am sixteen but I'm not sure."

"You should. It wouldn't be that bad. Its a one and a thousandth chance that you'll get picked." He said.

"Alright. I will if you do." I put out m hand.

"Deal." We shook. "Bring your paper here at 9 o' clock. We can do it together."

"Deal.'' Then I turned and started eating my food.

I was back on the ship and Molly and Anna had questions.

"So, who was that cute Durnstrang boy you were talking to?" asked Anna. She was looking in a mirror and doing her hair. 

"Yeah. Details!" Molly was excited of all things. 

I rolled my eyes. "His name is Florin. I'm meeting him at 9 to put our names in the Goblet."

Screeches came from all over. "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!" Molly was hyprevenalating.

"Molly! Calm down. Its just a little meeting." I said.

Anna turned to face me. "Yeah. First its a little meeting, then a date, then marriage, then a little baby in a baby carriage." 

"Shut up." I threw a pillow at her.

Then Sydney came through the port hole in our room with a note in her beak. "Oh no." I murmured. I went over to her and took the note. It was for me. In my father's handwriting.

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