Chapter 47.

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I don't know how long I sat here at the front door but I was still here. I didn't have the strength to move. The tears were stained dry on my cheeks and my eyes were puffy and red. I had finally stopped crying but I knew the moment I would move it would start up again.

I didn't know what to think. Well, that's actually a lie, I had a lot of things I was thinking but I just didn't know which one was right or wrong.

Suddenly knocking came from the other side of my door. Light, almost peaceful knocks. I looked up at the door, twisting my neck, wondering who was knocking at my door. Did Harry come back?

I slowly got up and looked through my peephole, finding a mans figure with their back to myself. Through the blurry peephole I couldn't see who exactly it was. I grabbed the door handle, slowly twisting it and pulling it open. The man turned round looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. My eyes started to blur with tears again as I thought about what just happened.

"Oh, Izzy!" Peter sighed as he walked forward and grabbed me in his arms as I started to fall to the floor from weakness again.

"I don't know what to do." I choked out as I started to sob into his chest.

He didn't say anything as he picked me up bridal style, taking me to the living room. He placed me on the sofa, turning the TV on before walking out of the room. I heard him in the kitchen, banging cupboards open and closed before he reappeared with a tub of ice cream and a bottle of wine in his hands.

"I called in sick for you, so no work. Just us watching sappy films and crying into a tub of ice cream." He spoke as he sat down next to me, my legs going on top of his lap as I laid down, putting my head on one of the pillows.

Peter gave me the spoon and ice cream tub as he put two glasses of wine on the table in front of us. He sat there munching on a packet of crisps as I didn't feel like sharing my ice cream right now. My tears as started to stop and all I wanted to do was stuff my face with some unhealthy food, which is what I did.

"How did you know?" I whispered after a while of watching the screen of my small TV.

I sat up, facing him with my feet still on his lap as he rubbed my legs a little. He didn't look at me as he continued to watch the screen, making me frown my eyebrows.

"Harry called."

My mouth fell open and I didn't know what to say. "What?" I spoke shocked.

Peter turned his head away from the TV and looked at me with sympathy still in his eyes. He gave me a small smile before talking. "Harry called me in a panic. I could hardly hear him. I had to calm him down before he explained everything that happened. Asked me to check on you because he knew you wouldn't let him in and he was worried."

"He fucking should be! You heard what happened!" I scowled Peter for being on Harry's side.

"I'm not on his side before you even think that. To be honest I'm not on anyone's side because you know I hate stuff like that. I may be gay but I don't like drama, especially when it involves you." He pointed at me making me shut my mouth. "But, Harry is worried. He knows he went about it the wrong way but it scared him, like it would scare anyone. Think about it Isabelle, a baby! You would be just as scare if you knew it was possible." I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them. "However, that doesn't mean the way he reacted was right. He shouldn't have blamed you for blackmailing him, he should know you by now that, that's not you. He shouldn't have walked out even if he did need to be alone because leaving you alone is worse. You both should've sat down and talked about it not ran away from it, like always. Harry called me apologising and saying he fucked up, that he didn't know what to do because he knew you wouldn't open up to him, he was so angry at himself it took me a while to calm him down and I'm convinced his still angry at himself now but I thought I would do the man a favour and check on you, plus you are my best friend and you needed comforting."

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