Chapter 88.

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When I woke up, Isabelle was wrapped around me. Our legs entwined, her head laying on my chest. My arms around her waist while hers were around mine. Her hair was fanned at as I started to slowly stroke it, smiling whilst doing so. 

She was so beautiful and the best thing is that she doesn't even know it, especially while she sleeps. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be laying here right now with my Belle in my arms, once again. And I swear to god I will do nothing to ruin this, not this time. I'm not going anywhere. I should've known Isabelle would be it for me. I was just too young and dumb then but now, I'm not. I'm not going to let anyone interfere with this relationship, this is just her and I and Penelope obviously. But no one else is getting involved, no one else is needed for me anymore. 

"Daddy!" I heard Penelope call from behind my closed door. 

I looked at the time and saw it was nearly nine o'clock, she normally comes to see me in the morning. Most of the time its because she wants breakfast. 

"Penny, be quiet love." I whispered, not wanting to wake Isabelle up. 

Penny was standing at my bedroom door, looking at me cuddling Belle with a smile on her face. 

She walked up to my side of the bed, looking up at me. "Daddy, did Belle stay the night?" She questioned, even though she already knew the answer. 

I went to open my mouth but was stopped when Isabelle moved and a groan escaped her mouth. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing she saw was Penny. 


"Morning, Belle." 

"Morning honey." She spoke before looking up at me with a wary smile. 

"Morning love." 

"Morning." She said hiding her face in my chest, making me chuckle. 

God, she was cute. 

I pulled myself up into a sitting position, bringing Isabelle with me. The next thing to happen was Penelope jumped on my bed, something she did every morning. But this time she sat herself between me and Isabelle as Belle was now sat up beside me. 

"Penelope, I need to talk to you about something." I spoke and Isabelle looked like she knew where this was going as she looked at me with wide eyes, almost like she was nervous. 

"What is it, daddy?" She looked at me with a wide smile on her face. 

"Penny, did you mind Belle staying the night?" 

"No, of course not daddy. I love Belle." She spoke, looking at Isabelle when she said she loved her. Isabelle smiled wide at her with such adoration in her eyes. Penny grabbed Belle's hand in hers before looking back at me. I couldn't hide the smile on my face. This is what I wanted. Penelope to love Belle, for Belle to love Penelope. I couldn't ask for anything more and they get along so well, I know I could trust Isabelle with Penelope's life. 

"So, you wouldn't mind if she stayed more often?" 

When I said this Isabelle looked up at me, confusion written on her face. I know I haven't spoken to her about this yet but I needed to check Penelope was ok with it all. 

"Daddy, don't be so silly. I like having Isabelle around. If anything I want her around more often." Penelope said making me chuckle and Belle blush. 

"What if I started to see Isabelle?" 

"You are seeing Isabelle?" Penny said confused. 

"That's not what I meant Penelope." I chuckled, trying to think of a way of explaining this. 

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