Chapter 79.

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Five Years Later


Heartbreak hits you in two stages;

Stage one is numb. You dont want to believe that its happening. You distract yourself with parties and friends. You drink alcohol until you cant remember your name and dance under street lights with boys you just met. You wake up in the morning with an earthquake in your head and a strange man in your bed. All you want is to fill this empty feeling. 

Stage two is when the emotions hit you. You lay in bed for weeks, maybe even months. You cry so much that your face is naturally puffy and red now. You cant even begin to think about going out with friends. The breakdowns begin to hit. You walk into your room and scream and cry until your voice cracks under the stress. You throw things until they break and punch walls until you are a mess of drywall and blood. 

The saddest part is, does anyone really know which one is worse?

I never did get past the first page. 

Harry's new book came out a year ago and just as I thought, it was a hit like the first one. I brought it the moment it came on sale. But for a whole year I re-read the first page and couldn't get past it. He was such a good writer that it hit every emotion within my body. I didnt know how to feel about it. Peter of course read it. He read my copy one night, keeps telling me I have to read it. That you can tell its based around our love and our story. I think thats the reason why I cant bring myself to do it. It's too painful to re-live everything that I couldnt have back. 

Honestly, I don't know what he is up to now. I try to stay clear of magazines and TV gossip channels. Its not that I don't want to know, of course I hope he's doing fine and is happy but I just don't think I could handle knowing, just knowing anything. 

I passed my college classes and even though Harry and I got a divorce, Louis and I stayed friends. He said he didn't understand why Harry wanted to get a divorce, he even tried talking to him about it after it all went down but Harry just didn't want to. Left him hanging and didn't listen to a word Louis had to say. I wouldn't have wanted to know why anyway, I had a pretty good idea of the reasons. Most of them ended in me not being enough but I just try and not think about it anymore. 

I've tried so hard to get my own career within my art on the line but no one wanted to listen to me. I went to so many art gallery's and show rooms that show art from unknown artist but no one would accept me. Louis asked me several times to just let him help me but I would say no, even with the amount of declines I got from different companies. 

"I'm just saying, let me help you!" Louis exclaimed as we walked into the kitchen of Peter and Michaels apartment. 


"Peter will you help me here!" Louis spoke as Peter was stood at the stove cooking dinner for us all. 

"Peter don't get involved." I warned but he shrugged. 

"I think you should let him help you. It's been five years and everyone is still declining you and your work, just let Louis help you by showing your art! Seriously, your art is amazing and needs to get out there." 

"I don't know, I just don't want to have to repay you anything." 

"You don't have to repay me. My job is to go out and find artist and help them by showing their art in shows, so let me do my job and do this!" 

I sighed, finally giving in. "Fine." 

"Yes, it will happen in a month from now because I need to set it all up. A week before the show you need to give me all your art that you want to show for the first show." 

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