Chapter 8.

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"Finally going to take me up on that date, Miss Isabelle Matthews?"

His voice was the thickest I've ever heard it. His Cheshire, almost posh accent ringing through my ears. The same accent I haven't heard in a week. As much as I hate to admit it, hearing his voice now, I missed it.

No, fuck off Izzy! No you didn't!

God my head was hurting and I haven't even took a sip of my drink, that had just been placed in front of me.

I continued to look at him with my mouth slightly opened, not knowing what to say back. Right now, he wasn't look back at him. He had gone back to looking at his now empty glass.

I frowned when I noticed he had at least ten other empty glasses around him, wondering how long he had been here. But for some reason I couldn't seem to open my mouth to spoke to him. To ask him what he was doing here again.

The last time we were here together, I went home with him. As good as that night was, I didn't want to bring that memory back into my head right now.

"How long have you been here?" I finally managed to spit out after what seemed like hours of silence.

"I don't know." He slurred, making me smirk slightly. "I came here when I finished work."

"Which was?"

"A couple of hours ago."

His short answered showed me that he didn't want to talk. He probably came here after a stressful day of work and wanted to drown in his sorrows. I just happen to turn up wherever he is.

"Stressful day I guess?" I muttered, taking a sip of my drink as I watched Harry from the corner of my eye carefully.

"Like always."

As he spoke, he turned in his stool, so he was now facing me. He went to get up but stumbled instead. Making him fall towards me.

"Wow, there." I spoke as I grabbed his forearms. I pushed him up with all my might making him sit back on his stool.

This time, I moved my stool closer to him, our knees entwined as I kept my hands on his forearms.

"Thanks." He muttered like he was embarrassed.

I didn't speak again. I just started moved my hands from him arms, but he stopped me when my hands landed on his thighs. We both didn't say anything. Just sat in silence, looking into each other eyes.

Looking in his eyes I could see all the stress he seemed to have piled on top of his shoulders. I could see the tiredness of just wanting to do what he wants, instead of having to please everyone around him. Right now he looked so vulnerable I didn't know what to say. The way he wanted to keep my touch on him, showed me he needed comfort, even if it was from someone he hardly knows.

I don't think he knew what he was doing when he started to lean in towards me, but then we've been in this situation a lot of times now that I knew what could happen. Though I felt like Harry didn't want it to happen, I felt deep down, that all Harry wanted right now was comfort. Comfort that looked like he never seemed to have.

"Can you take me home? I don't think I'm fit enough to drive." He spoke he such a quit voice that if it weren't for his lips being right near my ear, I wouldn't have heard him.

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