Chapter 56.

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Louis' car stopped just outside the event but away from everyone who was getting dropped off by their chauffeurs.

"So, what do I do?" I asked confused as I looked at the beautiful building in front of me that lit up like a million light bulbs.

"Well, go find Harry." Louis shrugged.

"Louis, serious right now. I've never been to award shows or stuff like this and I'm nervous. Like look at me I don't fit in with your world. Fuck it, take me home. I don't want to go." I ranted putting my seatbelt back on but before I could clip it Louis' hand stopped me.

"I'm not taking you anywhere. Yes you don't fit in with our world and that's what I fucking love about you and I'm sure Harry does as well. It doesn't matter if you've never been to one of these before. Look, if it makes you feel better I'll stay until Harry is in eye sight and then I'm leaving you because I have people to see here." He spoke and I nodded, agreeing with him staying with me until I can see Harry.

Honestly, I was scared of what Harry would say or do when he sees me. I mean, sure he wanted me to come with him but maybe he just asked because he knew I would say because of work. However, I'm here right now because of Louis and I'm scared Harry's not going to like it.

We got out the car and started walking towards the entrance when I noticed a red carpet going in with many photographers lined up.

"We're not walking up that."

"Why not?"

"They'll take pictures. I don't want to be known."

"Wow, you really don't fit into this world." Louis joked making me hit his arm while he laughed at me.

We stood at the side of the red carpet, a couple of metres away. The photographers hadn't seen us or Louis more than me because they wont care about me. We stood there while I looked longingly around, trying to find the man who had a special place in my life.

"I'm not doing that!"

I heard his voice before I saw him. I snapped my head around and suddenly saw him. He was stood off at the side, like Louis and I were, hiding from the photographers as he spoke to him mother. Annabelle stood tall with her head held high like always. She was wearing a long, straight down, white dress and if I hadn't known this was an awards show I would think she was attending her own wedding. Her hair was up in a high bun, showing off her professionally done make up.

"I found him." I spoke, pointing to where Harry was so Louis could see.

"That doesn't look good." He muttered making me look at him before looking back at Harry and his mother.

They were facing each other. Annabelle had a scowl on her face and looked angry at Harry. While Harry looked frustrated and angry with his mother as he continued to pull a hand through his long, shoulder length hair that I had tried to style before he went out. But that didn't do anything for him because he moves it too much anyway.

"You should go over there."

"What?" I snapped my head to Louis. "His mother hates me."

"So? She hates everyone. Plus I told you I would stay with you until we could see Harry. We can see Harry and I have to go talk to some people, so I'll see you later Isabelle." He spoke, kissing my check friendly before he walked off up the red carpet where the photographers started going mad. Just to see a glimpse of the famous artist finder, Louis Tomlinson.

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