Chapter 63.

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I unlocked my front door. The time was nearly midnight and I'd just come back from work. It was tiring tonight. One of the girls couldn't make it in because she was ill and I ended up taking her spot as well as mine, I am knackered now that I'm home.

Light was a shining in the living room as I walked through my door and locked it shut. I placed my keys on the table near the door and walked towards the TV that was lighting up my living room. I pressed the off button on the Television and watched the room go dark. My eyes adjusted to the light making me see a little better through the dark. I turned round towards my sofa and saw a body laying down. I tip toed across to it, careful not to knock anything over. I crouched down in front of the sleeping body on my sofa, slowly raising a hand to push back some of his shoulder length hair.

"Harry, baby." I spoke softly.

A moan left his mouth as he slowly started to stir. I spoke his name once more and he started to rise. He sat up, kicking his legs off the sofa. He stretched his arms up before bringing them back down to rub the sleep from his eyes. My hands rested on his knees as I continued to be crouched in front of him.

"Have you only just got back?" He spat out at me.

He suddenly stood up before I could answer, making me fall on my butt.

"Have you seriously only just got back?! Its past midnight!" He spoke again as I sat there staring up at him with disbelief on my face.

Why was he shouting at me? I know his only just woke up but I didn't think he would be this grumpy. I only woke him up to get him to come to bed with me, I didn't want to be shouted out. Especially as I'm tired from work.

"Yes I have. One of the girls couldn't make it in and I had to cover her." I spoke calmly as I stood up, now standing in front of him.

"I don't like you working late. I don't like your job but I'm dealing with that. I just hate waiting for you to come home so I know you're safe, especially if I've had a tiring day at work and have to be up early. I hardly get any sleep which doesn't help me." He moaned making me glare at him.

It didn't even click in my head that he had called this home.

"We are not having this argument about my job again. I can't help that I get home late, because my job is a night job not a day one. And I do not ask you to come here and wait for me every night so don't blame me on you not getting enough sleep on me! You don't have to come here!"

"Fine, I won't wait for you anymore."


"Fine." He spoke again and I was starting to realise how stupid this was becoming but I didn't want to admit to being wrong when I've done nothing.

Harry started walking towards the door, bending down to put his shoes on.

"You're leaving?" I questioned as I watched him from the same spot I was standing in.



"What? You just said-"

"I said no one asked you to wait for me. But you did tonight and it's nearly one in the morning. You might as well stay now you're here." I interrupted him.

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