Chapter 51.

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I woke up as the sun shone through my window, I had forgotten to shut my curtains last night. I groaned as I stretched out in the middle of my bed. Rubbing my eyes as they slowly opened, getting use to the bright light that shined in them. I looked around my room for a second before everything from last night came back to me. My head snapped to the other side of my bed but I saw it was empty. Harry wasn't laying next to me.

I slowly got up, seeing no clues of his clothes laying on my floor like they were last night. I grabbed a pair of jogging bottoms to put on with the baggy top I was already wearing before leaving my room. I walked down the hallway in silence hoping to hear some sort of noise indicating that Harry was still here. However, I heard nothing.

I looked in the living room but saw nothing. No sign of him anywhere and the last place to look was the kitchen.

I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach and I didn't like it. I felt like after everything I had let out to him last night just got ruined because he didn't stay. He did leave. He did the one thing he said we wouldn't. He left and I don't even know why. Maybe he had work but I feel like that's not it. The pit in my stomach is telling me something else but I'm hoping its nothing.

I stepped through into the kitchen and looked around. I saw nothing at first but as I walked over to the kettle with a frown on my face, a white piece of paper next to it caught my eye. I picked it up, seeing the familiar messy hand writing.

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye, mother called and wanted me for something urgently. I didn't want to wake you so I left this note instead.

I'll be round tonight, my Belle.

- H


A small smile went onto my lips as I re-read everything he had put. The pit had now disappeared from my stomach and I didn't feel the weird feeling from before anymore. I put the note back down before making myself a cup of tea.

The smile wouldn't leave my face as I remembered the words he had said last night and in the note.

'My Belle'

It made a funny but good feeling happen in my gut, like butterflies, something I haven't ever felt before. No one had ever called me that before and hearing it from Harry, I never want to hear it from anyone else. I use to hate the name Belle and Isabelle but hearing them from Harrys mouth makes me want to hear nothing else. I don't know what Harrys doing to me but somehow I think its a good thing. I'm finally opening up to people, people other than Peter. Peter would be proud. Judy and Brian would be proud, I hope.


"Are you going to see Violet soon?"

"Huh?" I said with a bored expression as I looked up as my mother.

She had called me at half six this morning and I had to try and not wake Belle up as I got out of bed to answer my mothers needs. She had told me it was important and that I needed to come over to her and David's house straight away. I didn't know what to think and I just wanted her to shut up, so I agreed. And now here I am, sitting on the sofa bored as my mother complains to me about my life.

"Harold will you listen to me." I nodded. "I asked if you are going to see Violet soon? Her parents have missed you going round and Violet keeps asking how you are. I think she missing seeing you so much."

"Yea, yea, I'll try to sort something out when I'm not busy."

"Busy with what?" When I didn't answer straight away she continued. "Busy with that girl, Betty or whatever." She rolled her eyes, making me scowl her.

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