Chapter 44.

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"Harry! Where have you been all night?"

I turned my head to the side as I stepped back through the door into the main room. Valery was slowly walking up to me. She was wearing a very expensive looking, black straight down to the floor dress with her brown hair up in a neat bun.

"I've been looking for you. Mum and dad wanted to see you." She spoke as she reached me, grabbing my forearm lightly.

I smiled down at her. "Sorry, I was sorting something out. Lets go see them now." I smile widely as she smiled back, taking me to were her parents stood.

"Oh Harry darling, we haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been hiding?" Mary, Valery's mother, spoke as we reached them.

"Working my ass off."

They all laughed as the conversation went on from there but I couldn't focus that much. Sure, from outside it looked like I was smiling, laughing and chatting with old friends but really, I couldn't get Isabelle out of my head.

I cant believe she would think telling my parents that she is a stripper is a good idea. Why would you tell people like this things like that. They are just going to laugh at you like my mother and father did. They would use it to their advantage and trust me, people in this world are not nice.

My father soon come up and dismissed me from Valery and her family as the important business men that he had invited wanted to see me right now. I sighed but put on my best smile as we finally reached the men standing in a circle all in black suits with white shirts.

"This is my son Harry Styles."

"Yes, Harry we've heard a lot about you and your company."

"All good things I hope."

We chuckled. We shook hands. We talked business. We discussed about having a meeting soon to discuss more business. We did everything that my father wanted and everything everyone knew would happen. There wasn't anything different about this. This was what this world is about and everyone expected certain things from people, especially people like me.

"Harry." A stern voice was heard from behind me.

The business men in front of me stopped laughing and looked behind me with a curiosity in them. I slowly turned round my smile going to a frown as I saw Louis standing there was a angry expression on his face.

"What do you want Louis?"

"To talk, now!"

"Can you not see I'm busy?" I spoke, motioning to the men in front of me.

"Yes, I can but I don't honestly care."

I looked at him with raised eyebrows wondering what all of this is about.

"I can talk about it here in front of everyone but I know you wont want that." He spoke, challenging me.

"If you'll excuse me." I spoke politely to the men in front of me and they nodded, understanding I had other business to deal with.

I followed Louis outside to where I was a minute ago with Isabelle. Thinking about it now, where is she? I told her to calm down and then come back inside but its been over an hour since then and I haven't seen her make an appearance. She's obviously not still out here ether because as I looked around I couldn't see her. 

"If you're looking for Isabelle there's no point." Louis spoke, his face still showing anger. "She went home after your little argument."

"God, she can be so immature sometimes."

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