Chapter 60.

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She's my fiancé.

I looked down at the beautiful women laying on my chest. The sheets covered our naked bodies from the world. I run my fingers through her hair, trailing them down her naked shoulders before repeating the process. Her skin was so soft against mine. Her hair was sometimes knotty but it made her real. It made her Isabelle and I loved it. She always wore a small pout on her lips when she slept, making her look so cute. She was drop dead gorgeous, even without make up on.

She's my fiancé.

I still couldn't believe it. She had said yes. She had agreed to be with me for forever. I couldn't help but smile when I think of last night, let alone when I look at her. She was my idea of perfect. She is the person I've been waiting for.

She is mine.

"Morning fiancé." I smirked down at her and she stirred awake, moving her head up to look at me.

A smile found it way onto her face at the word 'fiancé' and I couldn't help the grin on my face.

"I like the sound of that." She muttered as she kissed my lips lightly.

"I like the sound of you being Mrs Styles, very soon."

I pulled her waist up, making her straddle me.

"Very soon, huh?" I nodded. "How soon will that be?" She spoke, kissing me again.

"Well, we have to tell my parents yet."

She frowned down at me. "You didn't tell them before?" I shook my head and chuckled as she playfully slapped my chest. "They hate me and you done this without telling them. God, Harry this is going to go horribly."

"Well, I've done it and you've said yes. This way they cant stop it." I smirked at her and she just chuckled at me.

"So after that, you want to get married?"

"Well, yes but we have to plan everything after that, so..." I trailed off and I saw the grin on her face grow.

"I never thought I would marry someone."

"Why not?"

"Because its just a piece of paper."

I frowned at her. "Do you not want to get married then?"

"No, I mean yes I do. I want to get married to you. I just always thought how stupid marriage is because its a piece of paper proving that you love your partner. Why cant you show them you love them endlessly without a piece of paper?"

She was looking at me in the eyes and I didn't know what to say. I know I changed her mind on love but I didn't know this was how she felt about marriage. If I had, I don't know if I would have proposed. Looking at her now, I knew I wouldn't change her mind on it. Sure, she did want to marry me, anyone could see that within her eyes. But I feel like she may just be doing this for me because its something I want and something my family does to prove love to everyone in our world.

"Don't over think what I just told you, please?" She begged, grabbing my hands in hers. "I want to marry you ok? Don't over think it." She spoke, leaning down to kiss me.

"I wont." I muttered, even though I had already done just that.

"So when are we telling your parents?"

"I was thinking today?"

"What? Harry!" She moaned making me laugh.

"It's better to get this over with straight away, love."

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