Chapter 26.

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My name was shouted from the front of the restaurant but I didn't stop. I didn't care who was coming after me and if it was Daniel, I really didn't want to see him, I'd probably hit him to be honest.

I continued to walk down the street, seeing a bus stop with a bench next to it. I decided to go there, knowing I could get a bus home as I was not going back to get a lift from Daniel.

As I was a metre away from the bench, someone grabbed my wrist. They pulled me, making me turn round. As I was still walking, I bumped into their chest with force. I looked up and saw no one other than Harry.

Why did he come after me?


When Isabelle left the restaurant I couldn't help but look after her. She had acted so calm. Like what he said didn't affect her. I don't know how she managed it. How she could just listen to Daniel talk shit about her and laugh at her. He makes me want to punch him in the face and I don't even know why. I've never been the type to stick up for a girl, especially someone like Isabelle but right now I felt like I had to.

I got snapped out of my thoughts and brought my eyes back to the table when I heard Molly and Daniel laughing, once again at Isabelle.

"That was so funny." Molly spat out. "Why are you even dating her?"

"I'm not." Daniel laughed, making me look at him with shocked eyes. "Michael asked me if I could pretend to be someone's boyfriend, so I agreed." He spoke to Molly like I wasn't even here.

Wait. Why would Isabelle feel the need to have a fake boyfriend? Why tell me she had one when she didn't? Is it because I have Molly? To be honest I didn't really even have her, she just decided to call me her boyfriend, we aren't anything official. All we've done is fucked a couple of times, she just insisted on coming with me that day to the supermarket, which annoyed me. God Molly annoys me altogether.

"You're a prick." I spoke through gritted teeth and standing up, putting my coat on.

"What did you say?"

"Where are you going Harry?"

Daniel and Molly spoke at the same time and I scoffed, starting to walk away when Daniel grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"What did you say?"

"You're a prick. Want me to say it again?"

"Hey, no need to be rude."

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I raised my fist and punched him square in the face, making him fall to the ground. I smirked when I saw his lip bleeding.

"What was that for?" Molly shrieked running to Daniel's side making me chuckle.

"Learn to respect women, mate. Oh and Molly, don't call me ever again." I said as I walked away from the seen as everyone watched me.

I walked out the restaurant and saw Isabelle walking down the side walk towards the bus shelter.


She didn't listen when I called her name. She didn't even turn round, making me run towards her and grab her wrist. I spun her around making her slam into my chest before looking up at me shocked.


"Yea, did you not here me calling you?"

"No-I mean yes but I just-"

Strip - Harry Styles [A.U]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora