Chapter 79

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**Recap Emma’s Pov**

“but that means you’re going to be a…”

“…a father?” I asked shocked. Wow this was just too much for me to take in at once!


Emma’s Pov

“JOSHUA AARON ALEXANDER SHINE!” I screamed, reaching one of my loudest voices. His eyes widened and so did Meaghan’s.

“How could you not tell me about this!” I glared at him I took a few steps closer towards him and poked him in the chest with my finger.

“What. Were. You. Freaking. Thinking! I am your sister!” I snapped, poking him in the chest after every word I spoke. I saw his Adam’s Apple move dramatically as he gulped, trying to hide his nervousness.

“I…I was about to tell you at the airport but…” he started to say.

“AT THE AIRPORT?!” I screamed out in frustration. You can tell me that I am overreacting but I don’t think I am! He is my brother! We used to have such a great connection. There were no secrets between us!

“I swear Ems! I was about to tell you at the airport.” He swore but I just glared at him.

“Dude! Have you flipping looked at her yet?!” I screamed, as I pointed towards Meaghan’s big belly.  I know that it sounded quiet offensive but that wasn’t what I was intending on.

Josh looked at Meaghan as well, who was looking down at the ground, looking ashamed. I didn’t understand, why was she ashamed. That’s not why I was reacting like this, I loved the fact that I would become an aunt.

“Emma!” Josh growled, now turning angry as well.

“I’m serious Josh! Have you seen her belly?!” I growled, pointing at her once again. He was quiet for a few seconds.

“Emma, I am sorry, please don’t be mad at your brother.” Meaghan pleaded. “I will not deny that it’s also his fault that I am pregnant, but I didn’t know you would have been so against it.” She spoke quietly and looked back down at her feet. Well more like her belly.

I opened my mouth to say anything but I didn’t know what. I  shook my head from side to side.

“no Meaghan! That’s not it.” I laughed humorless. “I have always wanted to be an aunt!” I smiled at her and she smiled back and sighed in relief. I turned back to my brother and my stare instantly became hard again. Narrowing my eyes at him.

“but you! How could you not tell me!” I growled once again.

“Emma! I already told you that I wanted to tell you at the airport.” He sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face in frustration.

“ow so what you are saying is that you only found out that your damn FIANCE is pregnant just before you went to pick me up at the airport?!” I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked taken aback from my outburst. His silents said enough.

“That’s what I thought.” I rolled my eyes and I was about the walk away when he suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled me back so I was facing him.

“Emma please, I don’t understand what I did wrong, I really was going to tell you” I said, sadness dripping from his face. He really didn’t get it?

“You really don’t see my point?” I sighed.  He shook his head no, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I think I do.” Meaghan’s voice suddenly appeared from behind Josh. She gave me an apologic smile before turning to Josh. He averted his eyes from mine to hers and he dropped my hand.

Meaghan smiled a little and then looked back at me.

“I think that Emma means that you should have told her way sooner, even before you knew that she was coming to Australia.” She spoke and turned back to Josh.

I smiled at her, that’s exactly what I meant. I already know that Meaghan and I are going to get along just great.

Josh’s mouth made an ‘O’ shape and turned back to me.

“I’m sorry Emma, you are right, I should have told you.” He lowered his gaze to me.

“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked, I knew you could hear in my voice that I was hurt but the fact that he hadn’t told me.

“It’s not really something you can tell over the phone you know.” He paused. He looked quiet uncomfortable for a moment and I can’t understand why. It’s his child we’re talking about.

“Do mom and dad know?” I asked curious. He looked away. And he didn’t need to say anything anymore, I already knew the answer. I frowned.

“why not?” this couldn’t get any more complicated than it already was.

“you know they wouldn’t except it Emma.” Josh spoke softly. He reached out for Meaghan and pulled her closer to him. He kissed to top of her head before averting his eyes back to mine

“but Josh! They don’t have a say in these things! You are an adult. You’re old!” I stated. And that moment Meaghan bursted out laughing. I grinned as well and josh just shook his head in amusement.

“you know how they are Emma, I just couldn’t risk it… not yet.” He stated. I nodded, understanding him now.

“well now that everything is cleared up, how about we get some Chinese food from the Take-Off across the street? Cause I am STARVING!” Meaghan suggested with a dashing smile while patting her big, round belly. Me and Josh laughed and agreed. I first dropped my bags of in the living room since that’s the place where I’ll be sleeping from now on since the baby room is still being renovated.

“Let’s go!” I cheered, linking my arm with Meaghan’s. now that everything is cleared up, I can finally go and enjoy my stay with my brother and his fiancé.

At least… that’s what I thought.


Tum tum tum tuuuuuuuuuuuum :)

Hey everyone! I AM SO SORRY that I was gone for such a long time and I know that this is a small chapter, but I just wanted to show you guys that I haven’t left you all to die out here ;)

I have been so busy lately and I really was out of inspiration, I am not like other writers ya know, I don’t prepare this story before I start writing it. I just start writing it and see where it leads to. :p

Please VOTE AND COMMENT to discover more of my newly found idees for this story! ;) it’s almost coming to an end I think! :D



Thank you all :)

Love ya all my Pups :)


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