Chapter 39

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**Recap Emma’s Pov**

“I want to go home Katy.” I suddenly said. I swear It just slipped out of my mouth! I don’t know where it suddenly came from.

“what do you mean?” Katy asked confused.

“Katy I haven’t seen my parents in like forever. I want to go home! I just want to get out of here!” I exclaimed with not a decent reason and I started crying. Call me weak or whatever you want but everything here depresses me. I just want to get out of here and see my parents. I miss them!

Suddenly Katy ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry Emma, if you really want to go then I think you should go, I won’t stop you” she promised. Even though I could hear the sadness in her voice. We’ve been living together for a long while, I knew she didn’t want to be left alone here.

“only if I could Katy” I cried harder.

“what do you mean?” she asked confused.

“with what money Katy?” I cried my eyes out. She let out a deep sigh. Probably not knowing what to do about this either.

“I’m so sorry Emma”

Emma’s Pov

“I’m not really up for going to the park but what about you ago and meet up with Liam there?” I suggested trying not to keep talking about my major breakdown here 5 seconds ago. I swear her whole face lit up at that suggestion and I smiled a little. At least Katy is happy now.

“I’ll clean up here after dinner and you go call your lover boy” I joked. She playfully slapped me on the arm and hugged me.

“thank you” she whispered into my ear.

I just nodded my head in responds.

Katy’s Pov

“Katy!” I heard Liam’s happy voice from behind me. I turned around and I wrapped my arms around his neck the second he was close enough to me to be able to do that.

“I’ve missed you so much love” he whispered into my ear. I blush a little but I’m happy he couldn’t notice that because my face was in his neck.

“I missed you too” I whispered back.

“so how is Emma doing?” he asked after a while as we were walking towards a small restaurant, yes Liam insisted on taking me out for dinner, even though I told him I had already ate. He just said it would be easier to catch up.

“errrr she’s fine?” I said but I made it sound more like it was a question.

“I’m seriously Katy, how is she” Liam laughed at my attempt of lying.

“she misses home” I muttered sadly. Liam immediately stopped laughing and stared at me in confusion.

“what do you mean? She is home right now isn’t she?” he questioned confused and  I shook my head ‘no’.

“she meant home, home” I explained but he still didn’t seem to get it.

“I’m not following.’ He admitted.

“she wants to go back to Australia to see her family.” I spoke as a tear escaped from my eyes. Liam’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and he grabbed my arms pulling me into his stone hard chest and he hugged me.

“isn’t that good? Maybe it will help her handling things?” he said but I knew he didn’t really know what kind of reaction he should give me. I sniffed a little.

“I know but that’s not the problem.” She cried.

“then what is it?” I asked worried.

“Liam we are not rich! we don’t have the money to pay a ticket, I mean it’s AUSTRALIA for gods sake!” I cried even harder.

“you know what?” he suddenly smiled widely.

“what?” I hiccupped.

“I’ll pay the ticket”


Hey everyone :)

So do you think Liam will pay Emma’s ticket to Australia? :D




thank you all :)

love ya all my pups :D


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