Chapter 54

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**Recap Katy’s Pov**

“I’m sorry for crying like that” I apologized to them, I must look weak to them.

“it’s okay Katy, we know it’s harder on you then it will ever be on us.” Liam whispered.

“thank you guys for at least thinking about something like that.” I smiled.

“Katy come on don’t give up like that! That doesn’t sound like you!” Harry whined.

“can we at least try to pull it off?” niall asked hopefully. I sighed but finally agreed after a lot of convincing work from all of the boys

“thank you so much Katy!” they all cheered I just nodded my head and started eating my almost melted ice cream. Well whatever it still tasted amazing.

“omg guys! Look there!” Zayn suddenly exclaimed getting all of our attention and we all looked to where zayn was looking. Only to find Emma walking into the ice cream shop.

But no louis…

Liam’s Pov

“guys! Where the heck is louis.”

“I have no idea.”

“if it was Louis that came alone back then damn no shock there, we could have all expect that that she didn’t want to come near Louis and wanted to stay home, but that isn’t the freaking case! Louis s not with her! Where the heck is he?” Katy started to panic.

“Katy calm down I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Harry said trying to calm Katy which made her only glare daggers at him.

“yeah that’s what you all said last time.” She scowled.  Harry was about to say something back but shut his mouth as soon as he figured that he didn’t have a come back to that.

“guys! I’m serious where is Louis?” Katy whined. I slowly started subbing my hand over her back to calm her down.

“Katy I’m sure he had a reason to leave.”  She sighed.

“I guess you’re right then” she said and then Emma approached us.

“Hey ems” Katy smiled at her. But emma just glared back at her.

“I’m still mad.” Emma snapped at Katy and Katy’s face fell to the ground and her eyes started to water.

“I’m sorry Emma, I really am.” She apologized but Emma just rolled her eyes at her.

“no you’re not! You did it on purpose!” she snapped again and Katy flinched at the venom coming from Emma’s voice.

“please forgive me Emma.” Katy begged.

“no! you knew that I didn’t want to be near him! how could you do that to me!” Emma growled.

“Emma please don’t be mad at Katy.” I begged Emma, I hated to see these two best friends fighting.  Emma’s head snapped towards my direction and she glared at me.

“and why not.” She dared me.

“because…” ok so now I had to come up with a reason and I can’t lie to safe my own life.

“because it was our idea.” Zayn filled me in. I sighed In relieve and mouthed a thank you towards zayn.

“but she still did it!” Emma stated and pointed at Katy.

“we made her to it,  just please don’t be angry with her.” Harry pleaded.

“yeah Emma she told us it was a bad idea but we made her do it.” Niall added. Emma stared at everyone. And then at Katy who’s mouth was hanging slightly open.

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